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Commercial and Business Aviation
Dangerous Goods Standards



Notice No. 23




ICAO TIs 2007/2008


This notice is of importance to those who handle, offer for transport, transport or import dangerous goods by air.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations

The transportation of dangerous goods by air to, from and within Canada is subject to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR) Part 12 – Air, and the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO TIs). 

The 2007/2008 edition of the ICAO TIs introduces a number of changes which were issued January 1, 2007.  Many of the changes align the ICAO TIs with the 14th edition of the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UN Recommendations).

Highlights of the Amendments to the 2007/2008 edition of the ICAO TIs

Part 1 - General

General Exceptions (1;1.1.3) - expanded.

Radiation Protection Programme (1;1.4.2) – Requirements are expanded

Note:  The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is responsible for the management of the programme.

Excepted quantities (1;2.4.2) – UN1845 no longer permitted.

New definitions (1;3.1) - Cargo, Stores (supply) for consumption, Stores (supply) to be taken away to clarify training requirements.

Training (1.4.1) – now required for cargo as defined in 1;1.3.

Certificate of training (1;4.2) – No longer required

Note : TDGR Part 6 – Training requirements prevails over this new provision.

Instructor Qualifications (1;4.3) – minimum qualifications for an instructor specified. 

Note: TDG Act. 1992 – Sec. 3(2) – General Application prevails over this provision.

Part 2 - Classification

Class 1 (2;1.5) – Clarification for the classification of fireworks.  In Canada, explosives are classified by Natural Resources Canada.

Class 3 (2;3.1.2 & Table 2-4) – Flash point (closed cup test) criteria now 60.0oC; criteria for open cup test remains the same.

Division 6.1 (2;6 & Table 2-8) Amendment to classification criteria for Division 6.1.

Division 6.2 (2;6.3.2) – Only one proper shipping name for UN3373 – Biological substances, Category B.

Part 3 - Dangerous Goods List (Table 3-1)>

 The following substances now forbidden on both passenger and cargo aircraft:
UN1005, UN1016, UN1023, UN1040, UN1048, UN1064, UN1079, UN1859, UN2191, UN2204, UN3300, UN3318

The following substance now allowed on cargo aircraft only:

New entries for:
UN3469, UN3470, UN3471 (previously UN1740), UN3472 (previously UN2823), UN3473

Special Provisions:
SPA32, A97 and A98 amended
SPA145 to SPA153 added

Part 4 – Packing Instructions Compatibility requirements (4;1.1.3) – amplified

Cylinders for liquids or solids (4;2.7) – cylinders may be used for liquids or solids.

Note:  In Canada, there are currently no packaging standards to allow a person to use a cylinder for transport of non-Class 2 dangerous goods. 

Gases (4;4.1.1) – General requirements expanded to included closed cryogenic receptacles.

Packing Instructions
  • New PI202
  • PI203 and Y203 amended to include plastic aerosols
  • New PI214 for storage systems containing hydrogen absorbed in a metal hydride
  • New PI313 for fuel cell cartridges

Note: In Canada, there are currently no standards for the fuel cell cartridge component (inner packaging).

  • PI904 clarified for unit load devices prepared by the shipper.

Part 5 – Shipper’s Responsibilities

Marking and labelling

Option to insert the UN# within a diamond square on point which will be mandatory starting January 1, 2009.  Other mandatory requirements apply (5;

Overpack must bear orientation arrows when containing liquid in single packaging with end closures (5;3.3.2).

New label for Division 5.2 may be used which will be mandatory January 1, 2011 (Figure 5-14).

Label for Class 7 - excepted packages now mandatory (Figure 5-29).


Only one sequence of information of the dangerous goods description accepted (5;

The UN packaging code (e.g. 4G) may only be used to supplement the kind of package (e.g. fiberboard box) (5;

Part 6 – Packaging Nomenclature, Marking, Requirements and Tests

New requirements for plastic aerosols (IP.7C) (6;3.2.8)

Expanded provisions for closed cryogenic receptacles (6;5.1.3, 6;5.2 & 6;5.3).

Part 7 – Operator’s Responsibilities

Acceptance Procedures

Operators must apply identification tags to ULD containing UN1845, ID8000 or magnetized material accepted from a shipper (7;1.1.2).

Storage and Loading

Provisions for separation of Class 1 simplified (7;2.2.2).

Identification tags on ULD must bear the hazard class or division number – IMP codes are insufficient (7;2.7.2).

Operator may add UN1845 to ULD after acceptance process must amend the NOTOC accordingly (7;2.11).

 Provision of Information

Clarification that the operator must provide information about dangerous goods carried as cargo in the event of a serious aircraft incident when those dangerous goods may be involved (7;4.6).

Provisions Concerning Passengers and Crew

 The operator may provide information to passenger by various means before passenger check-in (7;5.1).

Provision to Aid the Recognition of Undeclared Dangerous Goods

Increased requirements for information to be readily available to passenger check-in staff (7;6).

Part  8 - Provisions concerning passengers and crews

Permitted quantity of dry ice increased to 2.5 kg per passenger or crewmember.  Requirement to mark when carried as checked baggage (8;1.1.2 f).

Safety matches limited to one packet per person, and are not allowed in carry-on or checked baggage (8;1.1.2 g).

New provisions for fuel cell cartridges used for portable electronic devices (8;1.1.2 r).


The Department of Transport assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any reproduction derived from the legal materials in this publication. The legal materials in this publication have been prepared for convenience of reference only and, except as noted above, they have no official sanction. For all purposes of interpreting and applying the law, users should consult the 2003/2004 ICAO TI’s Edition.

Gary Barnscombe

Gary Branscombe
A/Chief – Chef intérimaire
Dangerous Goods Standards
Normes relatives aux marchandises dangereuses
Commercial and Business Aviation
Aviation commerciale et d’affaires

For additional information please call :

Atlantic: (506) 851-7247
Quebec: (418) 640-2796
Ontario: (416) 952-0000
Prairie and Northern (780) 495-5278
Pacific (604) 666-5655
Airline Inspection (514) 633-3116

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