Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Citizenship Week
October 15-21, 2007

My Citizenship

Canada’s Citizenship Week is intended to encourage all Canadians to reflect on the value of citizenship, what it means to be Canadian and the rights, privileges and responsibilities of citizenship.

Mini History

  • 2007 marks the 60th anniversary of Canadian citizenship.
  • In 1947, Canada became the first Commonwealth country to gain its own citizenship act.
  • Before 1947, Canadians were considered British subjects living in Canada, not Canadian citizens.
  • The prime minister at the time, William Lyon Mackenzie King, became the first Canadian citizen.

Fast Facts

  • Since the first citizenship act was enacted, almost 6 million people have been granted Canadian citizenship.
  • Each year approximately 160,000 people become Canadian citizens.
  • According to the 2001 census, about 84% of eligible immigrants are Canadian citizens.
  • In 2006, 3,926 citizenship ceremonies were held across Canada.


Education and Activities

Events Celebrating Citizenship

Reaffirmation Ceremonies

Oath of Citizenship

News Release

Canada’s Citizenship Act