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We Are All Alike The Basics Using Genomics The Researchers Try it!

1) Icon: Using Genomics.

Title: Using Genomics 2) Photo: Highland ewe and lamb. 3) Photo: Microarray.    

Genetic diseases


Cloning and stem cells


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)


DNA detectives

  4) Photo: Deli Cup "How will we be different in the future?"  

Enlarge image.Deli Cup "How will we be different in the future?"


The sequencing of the human genome has opened the door to new diagnoses and new therapies. However, these very advances in technology are forcing us to make some difficult decisions, both individually and as a society.

  • New technology - such as cloning and stem cell therapy - may offer great hope, but at what price?
  • Genetically modified organisms are a reality. What impact are they having on humans, on the environment and on biodiversity?

Do you think that Bt corn, a plant that produces its own pesticide, is a good thing for the environment?

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Last Update: 2005-05-02  ©    Important Notices
A Canadian Museum of Nature Web site, developed in cooperation with its partners.

Image credits: 1) Hemera; 2) © Donna Naughton; 3) Harry Turner / National Research Council Canada; 4) DNAid Deli Cups,"Maira Kalman ", Creative Time Project, Summer 2000. Photo: Robert Glasgow, ©Creative Time 2000.