CBC In Depth
CBC News Online | June 14, 2006

On Oct. 12, 2002, an explosives-packed van detonated outside the Sari nightclub on the resort island of Bali, killing 202 people and injuring scores more.

Most of the dead were tourists who packed the club that night, including 32 Australians and two Canadians.

The bombing came on the second anniversary of an attack on the warship USS Cole as it floated off the coast of Yemen. The ship was rammed by a smaller boat packed with explosives, killing 17 sailors.

About 30 suspects have been arrested in connection with the Bali bombing. Police believe most belong to Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), an Islamic extremist group attempting to establish a pan-Islamic state across Southeast Asia. JI is believed to have links to al-Qaeda.

On Aug. 7, 2003, the man accused of masterminding the attack, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim, was sentenced to death. The decision came two days after another bombing in Indonesia, at a hotel in Jakarta, which killed at least 10 people and wounded nearly 150. The attack was also linked to Jemaah Islamiyah.

The following is a timeline of events:

June 14, 2006
Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir is released from prison after serving 26 months for his role in the Bali bombings. March 2, 2005
An Indonesian court clears Abu Bakar Bashir of ordering the Bali bombing and the Jakarta hotel bombing, but convicts him on a charge of conspiracy. July 23, 2004
An Indonesian court rules that the country's new anti-terror laws can't be used to convict people retroactively. The laws were passed several months after the Bali bombings. Three people have been sentenced to death under them. The court decision does not throw out the convictions, but it gives their lawyers new grounds for appeal. April 29, 2004
Indonesian police re-arrest cleric Abu Bakar Bashir after he finishes an 18-month prison term. Bashir is allegedly the spiritual leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah, the group blamed for the Bali bombings. March 9, 2004
An Indonesian court reduces Abu Bakar Bashir's sentence for his involvement in a plot to overthrow the government from four years to 18 months. Oct. 12, 2003
More than 2,000 gather in Bali to remember the 202 people killed in the nightclub bombings. Sept. 10, 2003
Imam Samudra is sentenced to death by firing squad after being found guilty of being the "intellectual mastermind" behind the Bali bombings. Samudra, 33, shouts "God is great" after the sentence is announced. Sept. 2, 2003
Cleric Abu Bakar Bashir is sentenced to four years in prison for his involvement in a treason plot. The court says the prosecution failed to prove Bashir is the leader of Jemaah Islamiyah. Aug. 25, 2003
Indonesian prosecutors request the death penalty for 43-year-old Ali Ghufron. Ghufron admits taking part in the bombing. Aug. 7, 2003
A panel of judges in Indonesia sentences Amrozi bin Nurhasyim to death for his part in the Bali bombing. His lawyers vow to appeal the verdict. Aug. 5, 2003
At least 14 people are killed and 148 injured when a car detonates outside the American-run Marriott Hotel in downtown Jakarta, Indonesia. Police confirm the car was packed with explosives. The blast guts the lower floors of the 33-storey hotel and shatters windows in adjacent buildings. June 16, 2003
Ali Ghufron, the man accused of being the operations chief of Jemaah Islamiyah, goes on trial in connection with the Bali bombing. May 12, 2003
The trial begins for Amrozi bin Nurhasyim, a member of the Islamic militant group Jemaah Islamiyah. He has confessed to buying the cars and chemicals used in the Bali bombing. Nov. 11, 2002
Indonesian police announce the main suspect in the Bali bombing was once a student of a Muslim cleric thought to be linked to the al-Qaeda network. Oct. 23, 2002
Rick Gleason, a 39-year-old from British Columbia, dies from injuries sustained when the Sari nightclub was bombed 11 days earlier. Oct. 12, 2002
202 people are killed and hundreds injured after a bomb explodes outside the Sari nightclub on the Indonesian island of Bali.

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