CBC In Depth
A man looks at images, including Harlem, 1947 (Easter Sunday) by Henri Cartier-Bresson at right, at the opening of a Magnum photo agency exhibit on Feb. 4, 2004, at The Museum of The City of New York. (AP Photo/Mike Appleton)
A man looks at images, including "Harlem, 1947 (Easter Sunday)" by Henri Cartier-Bresson at right, at the opening of a Magnum photo agency exhibit on Feb. 4, 2004, at The Museum of The City of New York. (AP Photo/Mike Appleton)
A snapshot of a life
CBC News Online | August 4, 2004

He preferred black-and-white to colour film, snapped poses of the rich and famous, and never used a flash. He also didn't want to be photographed himself. Henri Cartier-Bresson was a legendary photographer whose style was often described as a marriage of contrast.

He won accolades from peers and from U.S. master photographer Richard Avedon who described Cartier-Bresson as the Tolstoy of photography.

His rule was to keep things simple: Cartier-Bresson believed a good photograph "came to the camera" and not vice-versa. He strived to capture what he referred to as "decisive moments" – those instants when the core of a person or event is exposed and everything else melts into the background.

Aug. 22, 1908:
Henri Cartier-Bresson is born in Chanteloup, near Paris, France.

As a young art student, Cartier-Bresson leaves France for a year-long trip to the Ivory Coast. He takes up photography upon his return.

Goes to Mexico on an anthropological expedition.

Studies filmmaking in the United States.

Becomes an assistant to film director Jean Renoir for his pre-war films "La Règle du Jeu" and "Partie de Campagne."

Makes a documentary on the Spanish Civil War, Victoire de la Vie.

Cartier-Bresson is taken prisoner by Germans shortly after the start of the Second World War.

Cartier-Bresson is seen in this July 2002 photo at the international photo festival
Cartier-Bresson is seen in this July 2002 photo at the international photo festival "Rencontres de la Photographie" in Arles, southern France. (AP Photo/Wolfram Steinberg)
February 1943:
After two attempts, Cartier-Bresson escapes from a German prison camp and joins an underground movement to help others escape.

Joins a photography group to document the liberation of France. Directs Le Retour, a documentary on the repatriation of French prisoners of war.

Rumours of Cartier-Bresson's death reach the U.S. and the Museum of Modern Art begins to prepare a posthumous showing of his work. Cartier-Bresson would later go to New York to help finish the show.

Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, David Seymour and George Rodger found the Magnum photographic co-operative.

Travels throughout Asia, documenting the death of Gandhi in India, the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the independence of Indonesia.

Publishes Images à la Sauvette, also known by its English title The Decisive Moment, believed to be his definitive work.

Cartier-Bresson is the first Western photographer permitted into the Soviet Union following the death of Joseph Stalin.

Leaves Magnum, but continues to take pictures.

Abandons the camera to focus on his first love, drawing.

Aug. 3, 2004:
Cartier-Bresson dies at age 95.

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Magnum Photos

Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation

Photology: Henri Cartier-Bresson

National Portrait Gallery

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