09:09 AM EST Dec 27
Photo credit: Jerry Lampen, The Netherlands, Reuters News Pictures
OCTOBER 4 – 23, 2004
Allen Lambert Galleria, BCE PLACE
181 Bay St., Toronto
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The World Press Photo exhibit is drawn from news coverage of major events around the world in 2003. Some viewers may find a few of the images disturbing.
The World Press exhibit depicts our world through the art of photography, conveying the news value of an image and recognizing the creative skills of the photographer.

This year’s World Press Photo contest included the work of 4,176 professional photographers from 124 countries. The contest is the premier annual international competition in press photography. With a total number of 63,093 images, the 2004 contest attracted a record number of entries. The percentage of digital submissions also shows an exceptional increase: 80.7 per cent of all images were submitted in digital format (in 2003 this figure was 69 per cent).

The judging took place in Amsterdam between Feb. 1 and 12. The jury gave prizes in 10 theme categories to 62 photographers of 23 nationalities from: Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Cuba, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Palestinian Territories, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States.

CBC News journalists and field correspondents bring the stories behind the images to Canadians every day, on CBC Television, CBC Newsworld, CBC Radio and to CBC.ca; making CBC News Canada’s most trusted information source. CBC News has seven international bureaus and 19 foreign correspondents covering world stories from a Canadian perspective. CBC News also has more bureaus in regions across Canada than any other news network.


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