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Aug 04, 2007

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Kinneret Boosany

Bombings are part of life in Israel. Suicide bombers, rocket attacks -- the threat is always there. We've got a woman who knows that first hand.

Kinneret Haya Boosany. It was 2001, and in one instant, her life was changed forever. A suicide bomber walked into her cafe.

After that bombing, Kinneret was pronounced clinically dead.
She was revived and put into a coma for 5 months. 70 per cent of her body was burned, she lost sight in one eye, she was deaf in one ear, and missing half a lung.

The story of her recovery is told in a documentary called 'Kinneret Lives.'

In the film, she makes video diaries about what she went through. They're raw, sometimes hopeful and painful.

bs'd  hi.  as a vat (victim of arab terror) myself, i instantly connected with kinneret haya.  luckily i didn't suffer burns but i have hearing damage and pieces of shrapnel lodged in my body forever.  i wish her tremendous success with her "in your heart" project.
8/30/2007 4:29:35 PM

I met Kenneret with Dr. Mike Evans in Israel several years ago shortly after her injuries occured. Together we prayed with her and her familiy for her recovery and that her story would touch many lives. Our prayers are being answered. Her smile and grace amazed me then and her beauty and light amaze me still! Kinneret you are beautiful inside and out and I am so proud of you!
5/20/2007 2:46:34 PM Mike

I happen to be one of the very lucky people who have actually met Kinneret Haya, and truly can call her a friend, and you have no idea what a wonderful person she is. Unfortunately I haven't seen her in a couple of years, but my ribs still hurt from the last hug she gave me. She is a remarkable human  being.
5/20/2007 2:23:00 PM Martin

The Toronto Jewish Film Festival, which premiered "Kinneret Lives", continues through Sunday May 13 at the Bloor Cinema, the Al Green Theatre at the Miles Nadal JCC, and the Sheppard Grande. For schedule and programme details go to
Kinneret is an inspiration to us all, and the TJFF audience was moved by the power of her personality during the screening of the film and the intimate Q&A that followed.
5/10/2007 1:27:26 AM Ellen

I feel that this Kinneret Boosany is an amazing, intelligent, inspiration to the times we live in.   She has displayed a character, and an energy that is so positive, so humbling, that I am captivated.  I have witnessed her inner beauty and I will not forget this moment because she has held my heart with her plea. I myself know what it means to be alone and lonely, due to how life can be hard. I will hope that the CBC can pass on this message. Kinneret Boosany you are not alone, in spirit. you are amongst people who you have touched with your heart.  I thank you, and I hope all the best of this life for you in the future. You have amazed me! With new hope and spirit.
5/8/2007 8:48:00 PM Tobias

Very good piece... Is there a screening of the film in Toronto ?
5/8/2007 11:30:43 PM

Wow, what an amazing woman.  We get caught up with the most insignificant things. Kinneret is a good example of how we should lead our lives, being thankful for the peace and privilege we live in.  She's right, we all have untapped potential to survive the things we fear so much.
5/9/2007 8:38:31 AM


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