WATCH Video: Twice Lucky

Twice Lucky

It's a fantasy most of us have indulged in. A lucky break that sets us up financially for life. When one young woman hit the jackpot and won more than $12 million, she got another lucky break. When there were questions about how she got her lucky lotto ticket, the crown corporation looking into it was too disorganized to get the answers. Linden MacIntyre reports.

Read more about this story.

Watch previous fifth estate stories about the lottery scandal.

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producer/director: Linda Guerriero
reporter/writer: Linden MacIntyre
story consultant: Harvey Cashore
associate producers: Andrew Culbert, Rachel Houlihan
editor: Leslie Steven Onody
cinematography: Colin Allison, John Griffin, Peter Zin
audio: Larry Kent, Keith Bonnell, Joe Passaretti
graphic designer: Tim Kindrachuk
audio mix: Damian Kearns
colourist: Peter Jorgensen, Sue Chambers
website producer: Annette Bradford
website coordinator: Eleanor Besley
senior producer: Salley Reardon
executive producer: David Studer