No need to worry, no need to panic

The Toronto Raptors started the season on a good note winning their first two games out the gate before losing a heartbreaker in overtime to the new and improved Boston Celtics - thanks to a three-point basket from Jesus (Ray Allen). They then ran into the mighty Milwaukee Bucks. At least they seemed mighty on Tuesday night.

Milwaukee pasted the Raptors 112-85 in a non-performance the Raptors nearly repeated last night against the Orlando Magic in a 105-96 loss. I say nearly repeated because after missing their first 10 shots against the Magic and being down 17-4, the Raptors woke up and had a chance to win if they could have hit some shots down the stretch.

The Raptors are now 2-3 on the season. And as good as they looked defensively in their first two games, the Raptors have been very Maple Leaf-like in their own end of the court the past three games.

Defensive deficiencies

The major problem has been defensive matchups, and it usually starts with super sophomore Andrea Bargnani. Never known for his defensive acumen, he has really struggled the past three games going up against the likes of Celtics Kevin Garnett and Kendrick Perkins, Yi Jianlian of Milwaukee and Hedo Turkoglu of Orlando. The problem is when Bargnani gets beat other players have to help, which leads to too many easy baskets for the opposing team.

Bargnani isn’t alone in his defensive deficiencies. Jason Kapono has taken his licks as well, especially on Tuesday night against Desmond Mason, who went 10 for 10 from the field. And Anthony Parker, who is arguably the Raptors best perimeter defender, has had his hands full guarding the likes of Boston’s Ray Allen and Milwaukee’s Michael Redd.

Another serious problem for the Raptors is rebounding. If the Raptors can keep pace with their opponents on the boards, they have a chance to win every game. Against Boston, the class of the Atlantic Division, Toronto had 42 rebounds - the same as the Celtics. The game was close and went into overtime. Against Milwaukee and Orlando, Toronto was outrebounded and the result was they lost games against teams they should be beating if they want to repeat as Atlantic Division champs.

Offensively, Toronto has a few things to work out as well. I’ve seen too much of the one pass shoot offence and not enough ball movement. And too many Raptors have fallen in love with their jump shot. Outside of Chris Bosh, not enough Raptors get to the foul-line.

I know it’s only five games into the season. And as British drum and bass producer Adam F wrote in his 1997 song “F-Jam” from his award-winning album Colours, there’s “No need to worry, No need to panic, As we slip and slide, Dip and Glide.”

But if the Raptors don’t take a serious look at their rebounding and defensive problems, and start getting to the rack more on offence, they’ll have a tough time repeating as division champs.

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In the beginning of the season i was HYPED!! and right now imm still HYPED!! I look at it this way, it's just the beginning and a lot of our players are starting to get into their game mode and many are slowly recovering from surgeries. They still have flaws to work out such as getting their boards, defence, boxing out, and just getting to teh rim. In our last few games we were just slacking off in those areas, and we were just not playing as a team. Instead they played by themselves. it's still the beginning and our players like Kapono are just started to get used to the home court, and before you know it, he's gonna have a HOT hand, and we're gonna have our own Jesus, who can do what Ray Allen does best! So we gotta stay positive, we have about another 80 games, we have time.Oh an one more thing... WE DEMOLISHED CARTER AND THE NETS!! =)

Posted November 9, 2007 02:33 PM



I don’t even know why this has become a huge issue when the season is only 5 games young for our Raptors. I’m sure the players know what needs to be done, and if aiming to win the Atlantic Division will help them work out their kinks, then all the power to them – Go Raptors Go. Is the repeat as Division Champs likely? I strongly doubt it, but I do strongly believe they will make the playoffs again this year and hopefully they can advance beyond the first round. Lastly, to comment on what "GJ" said – sorry, Kapono is no where near the level of skill or consistency compared to Jesus aka Ray Allen.

Posted November 9, 2007 03:43 PM



I agree with the article. We can't be so reactionary to the raptors thus far. This city is just so used to being like this with the leafs that they got to put the same pressure on the raps. (Too many bandwagoneers in the city if you tell me) The raptors are deep and they are just still working out the kinks. The recent move of rasho into the starting lineup is a good start. Talk me to in february and the raptors are first in the division. All the naysayers will be eating their own words and jumping back on the bandwagon as usual(when the leafs are statistically out of the playoff picture)

Posted November 9, 2007 03:48 PM

Jason B


I'm alone out west here, but watch my Raps religiously! I like the changes the team has made coming in, and I love our point guard tandem. If was can stay mostly healthy this year, and not lose our big Euro's, I think we can take this division again. Boston is a concern, but they may not come together as a team this we have a shot. As long as I don't see the big men go down for the season, I won't sweat it for while. They are a great team, and will do Canada proud again. Viva La Raptors!

Posted November 9, 2007 04:00 PM

Dana C

The defence ability is there but other NBA teams can make a crack look like a hole. Part of the problem is that there are too many outside shots for the RAPS, not a lot of rebounding, equals more time in the Raps end and more scoring chances for the opposition. Solution is to fill the crack, drive to the rim, draw fouls, spend more time in the other end, equals more chances for the Raps. Chris has to be thinking before he gets the ball not after, that second of hesitation is making it easy for the defence. I watch every chance I get and believe me, if the money and committment is there this is going to be a great team. Sam will mix and match until the chemistry is right.

Posted November 9, 2007 05:04 PM

Charleston Eff'n


Bring back the OAK!

Posted November 9, 2007 05:13 PM

Jim Faulkner

Another issue that will make wins tougher to come by this year is the east is much stronger. Teams like Boston, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Orlando, Jersey, Knicks have improved. How much? Time will tell.

As for the Raps, someone must step up at the 3 position. They have a surplus of players but no one is getting it done- yet. Kapono, Delfino, Graham, Garbo and even Parker are not providing what we need at the wing. We are a Michael Redd type player away from being a contender. Redd was a second round pick- the above mentioned players have an opportunity with the Raps to have a breakout season. Lets hope someone takes advantage of the opportunity.

Bargnani is a double edged sword. Mitchell has not gone "big" yet this year- Andrea can play a 3 in spurts. There are times where we need a power center more than we need a 7' three point shooter on the court- especially with Bosh not yet 100%.

Once Sam gets the rotation worked out and if we play each night with some desperation, we should be ok.

Posted November 9, 2007 05:25 PM



they should win in philly, they match well against them.

Posted November 9, 2007 08:02 PM

Mike Melito

The Raptors are slow as a team and lack athleticism and strength.Therefore they are too slow to get back on defence and pushed around on the boards.It is nice to have guys who can shoot,but when they are not scoring 110 points,their weaknesses begin to show.Get Joey Graham and Humphries in the mix.The Raptors are using too many scorers and not even athletes.

Posted November 9, 2007 09:58 PM


Hey Jason B in Calgary - You're not alone out west. I'm flyng the Raptors flag on Vancouver Island. I'm new out here from Southern Ontario and trying to get something going. So far though I'm watching the games alone. Too bad you're not a bit closer. Come on Vancouver Island Raptor fans. Show yourselves. It's Canada's team, right? Now's a great time to hop on board.
Go Raptors nation!

Posted November 9, 2007 10:20 PM



The problem with the Raps thus far as one poster mentioned is that they have gotten away from their strongest asset, Team Basketball. This Raptors squad does not have a player like Lebron who can carry the team to victory (Bosh can play the role at times, but not this early in the season and not every game), we don't have an Arenas or Kobe who can score at will without being set up first (and frankly I'm glad we don't). What we do have is an unselfish team who will pass up a shot they believe they can make in order to set up a teammate with an even better looking opportunity. Sadly that has not happened enough this year as players are taking the first decent look that presents itself rather than moving the ball around the perimeter and working for the best shot possible. The success of last season has created a confident locker room, which is great, as long as that confidence does not inflate egos and lead to individualistic stat-stuffing play to the detriment of team success.

Posted November 9, 2007 11:42 PM



I say the Raptors are a good team, but as was said above they've got some issues, certain of which I'm not sure will improve. The main one being that they are simply not athletic enough. Bargnani will never be a good player until he learns to play defense. Bargnani would be an amazing player if he would get a little bigger and tougher, while keeping his shooting touch, he'd be comparable to Arvydis Sabonis but with more speed and athleticism. I think he should be playing the center position or atleast sharing it with Bosh. Keep Nesterovic out of the lineup, he's a 2nd or third string player at best at this point in his career.

When it comes to the small forward issues, Kapono is a shooter but isn't athletic enough to play defense, he'd never be in Toronto if he could, Miami would never have let him go. Graham is out best bet, because he is physical and athletic, able to help with the defensive rebounding. He should be getting more playing time than the others but a good rotation of the three works. I think the guards are pretty good, point guards you can't ask for much more, and shooting guards, well, Parker is a wicked defender and can do most of what you need out of an off guard on offense so we're okay.

Posted November 10, 2007 01:50 AM



The answer to all our problem's is "JAMARIO MOON"

Posted November 14, 2007 02:13 PM

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About the Author

Nick Davis is the senior producer of Metro Morning on CBC Radio One 99.1 FM. He's been involved in basketball since 1978 when he played the game for the first time as an eighth grader. He has covered basketball as a reporter from 1987 to 2001 including college and university basketball, the Canadian national team program and the Toronto Raptors.

An assistant with Sheridan College for the past 13 years, Davis still finds time to coach youth hoops in Toronto. Some of the players Nick has coached include NBAer Jamaal Magloire, European pro Wayne Smith, and Canadian national team members Sherman Douglas and Michael Meeks.

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