• Chest pain may stem from numerous causes such as cardiac, pulmonary and muscular problems, or anxiety.

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When to consult a physician

You should consult a physician IMMEDIATELY if:

  • the pain is accompanied by:
    • pulmonary problems such as coughing, spitting blood, breathlessness
    • sweating, weakness, nausea, vomiting
    • fainting
  • you experience tightening or discomfort in the chest when you make a moderate effort or are resting
  • you have a heart problem (angina) and:
    • the attacks become more frequent or more severe
    • the pain is not alleviated within five minutes after you take one dose of nitroglycerin
  • you are already being treated for a digestive problem such as gastritis, ulcers, esophagitis, reflux, or difficulty swallowing and your chest pain is different from the pain that led to the diagnosis of your disease and you think that it is an emergency
  • you sustained an injury recently and movement worsens the pain

You should consult a physician AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, at your convenience, if:

  • coughing or deep breathing worsens the pain
  • you have none of these symptoms but are a smoker, have diabetes or high blood pressure, or are being treated for high cholesterol
  • the pain persists or worsens
  • you have engaged in unusual exertion, such as moving house
  • the pain is accompanied by fever
  • you feel pain when you touch the thoracic wall

You should contact your surgeon if you have undergone a thorax operation.

If you still have concerns or if you wish to obtain more information, contact Info-Santé. For a directory (in French) of Info-Santé telephone numbers, click here.

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  • If you have a heart problem (angina) and have nitroglycerin:
    • cease all activity
    • sit down
    • take the nitroglycerin
    • stay calm and wait for five minutes. If the pain is not alleviated after five minutes, call 911 or the local emergency number
  • If you are being treated for a digestive problem and the chest pain is identical to the pain that led to the diagnosis of your disease, follow your physician’s advice.
  • If you have a muscular or bone problem:
    • avoid strenuous effort
    • try a pain remedy such as acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol™) or an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen (e.g., Advil™), unless these medications are contraindicated. Consult your pharmacist, if necessary.

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Harmonized with the Info-Santé nursing protocols by the Info-Santé nursing protocol editorial team.

Last modification: 2008-01-17
© 2006-2008 Médimed Inc.
Any reproduction or additional use is prohibited.