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Hepatitis C

Community Action

2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000/2001 | 1999/2000

Community-based programs address the needs of persons infected with or affected by hepatitis C. For a description of projects funded in your region of the country, please check below.

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Bullet BC Centre for Disease Control
Community Education Outreach Program
Bullet Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society (HepCBC)
The BC Hepatitis C Collaborative Circle
Bullet Hepatitis C Society of Canada
HeCSC BC Chapter Network Project
Bullet North Island AIDS Coalition Society (Courtenay)
North Island Hepatitis C Community Support Project

Bullet Canadian Liver Foundation - Calgary Chapter
Hepatitis C Special Brochure Project
Bullet Canadian Liver Foundation - Alberta Region
Focus on Youth: Risk Prevention and Youth Volunteering
Bullet Lethbridge HIV Connection Society
Hepatitis C Community Outreach Services
Bullet Wood Buffalo HIV & AIDS Society (WBHAS)
Harm Reduction Awareness
Bullet Streetworks
Hepatitis C Information and Support for Hard-To-Reach Groups
Bullet Alberta Community Council on HIV
Alberta Harm Reduction Conference

Manitoba and Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan
Bullet All Nations Hope AIDS Network
HCV Education, Prevention and Support with the Aboriginal Community Project
Bullet All Nations Hope AIDS Network
Injection Drug Use and HCV, Educating the Aboriginal Community

Bullet Youthlink HEP C: Helping Educate Peers Constructively
Bullet Toronto & Central Ontario Hemophilia Society
Toronto and Central Ontario Hemophilia Society's Hepatitis C Educational Sessions
Bullet HIV/AIDS Regional Services
Hepatitis C Prevention & Education Project
Bullet Thunder Bay District Health Unit
Choices & Challenges: The Next Step
Bullet Porcupine District Health Unit
The Quill - Harm Reduction Project
Bullet AIDS Niagara
Hepatitis C Community Outreach and Education Initiative
Bullet Community Health Services Department of the County of Lambton
Lambton County's Hepatitis C Education and Support Project
Bullet HIV Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Development of Training and Education curriculum for service providers on issues related to Hepatitis C, HIV and substance use
Bullet AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area
Hepatitis C Education and Support Coordination
Bullet Social Planning and Research Council
Hamilton Hepatitis C Network
Bullet Sandy Hill Community Health Centre
Addressing the Service Gaps for Hepatitis C in Ottawa
Bullet Hemophilia Ontario
Hemophilia Ontario's Hepatitis C Project
Bullet Peel Health
Realize Your Potential: Awareness Campaign Addressing Hepatitis C Screening Issues Among Marginalized Individuals
Bullet Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres
Aboriginal Outreach and Prevention - Hepatitis C
Bullet Hepatitis C Society of Canada
Hepatitis C Support and Education Project for York Region
Bullet Halton Hills Community Support and Information
North Halton Hepatitis C Youth Outreach Project
Bullet Central Toronto Community Health Centres (CTCHC)
Hepatitis C Project

Bullet Spectre de rue « Sang C »
Bullet Fondation Canadienne du foie, section de Montréal Sensibilisation Hépatite C - FCF Montréal
Bullet Association des intervenants en toxicomanie du Québec Inc.
Sessions de sensibilisation pour les intervenants des établissements résidentiels fédéraux (CCC/CRC)
Bullet Centre d'action communautaire auprès des toxicomanes utilisateurs de seringues (CACTUS Montréal)
L' intervention par les pairs auprès des jeunes de la rue du centre-ville
Bullet AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM) Safer Tattooing and Body Piercing
Bullet STELLA, l'amie de Maimie Prévenir l'infection par le VHC auprès des travailleuses du sexe
Bullet Centre d'intervention et de prévention en toxicomanie de l'Outaouais
Comprendre et agir ensemble sur le VHC
Bullet Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec (CPAVIH)
Journal de réduction des risques : Pusher d'infos
Bullet Travail de rue / Action communautaire
Le travail de rue : la prévention et le soutien communautaire dans le Sud-Ouest de Montréal
Bullet Point de Repères
Réalisation d'un vidéo sur l'hépatite C et diffusion auprès des utilisateurs de drogues par injection actifs et anciens
Bullet Centre femmes aux 3A de Québec Inc. Santé-vous hépatantes

Northern Secretariat
Bullet Status of Women Council of the Northwest Territories
Community HIV/Hepatitis C Prevention and Awareness Project
Bullet Kwanlin Dun First Nation
The Yukon Hepatitis C Awareness, Health Promotion and Prevention Project

Funded Projects - 2001/2002

British Columbia

BC Centre for Disease Control
Community Education Outreach Program

In collaboration with a wide range of professional and public health agencies, a new provincial Advisory Committee and Health Canada's Regional Hepatitis C Reference Group, the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) will develop a multi-pronged strategy for public and professional education across the province.

BCCDC will consolidate information on the natural history of the disease, the efficacy of prevention strategies and on available treatment options; coordinate content development; facilitate access to up-to-date scientific evidence; and, develop provincial educational strategies for patients, physicians, nurses, public health officials and service agencies. This initiative will complement and collaborate with other projects that will be developing culturally appropriate educational strategies on hepatitis C for Aboriginal and ethnic minority communities in British Columbia.

Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society (HepCBC)
The BC Hepatitis C Collaborative Circle

HepCBC works to educate and generate awareness among those infected with hepatitis C and the general public about hepatitis C transmission, care, prognosis and prevention. This project will create a provincial network (BC Hepatitis C Collaborative Circle) of hepatitis C partner organizations to support and inform individuals and groups throughout British Columbia who are dealing with the effects of hepatitis C and to assist these groups to communicate and collaborate more effectively. HepCBC intends to work with individuals who contracted hepatitis C through transfusions and injection drug use as well as with HIV/HCV co-infected individuals, healthcare professionals and community support workers, and the Aboriginal population.

Hepatitis C Society of Canada
HeCSC BC Chapter Network Project

The Comox Valley Chapter of the Hepatitis C Society of Canada is a volunteer based organization that offers current information on hepatitis C, treatment options and compassionate support to persons infected/affected by hepatitis C, as well as employers and health care professionals living in British Columbia. This project will create a regional network focussing on the effective and efficient sharing of information, skills, support and joint actions to better serve individuals infected with or affected by hepatitis C. This group will develop enhanced communication networks so that the most current hepatitis C information can more efficiently be collected, assessed and disseminated. This project will facilitate training workshops and mentoring programs as well as develop a website and a plain language newsletter addressing hepatitis C needs in British Columbia.

North Island AIDS Coalition Society (Courtenay)
North Island Hepatitis C Community Support Project

This project will build on previous work to address the needs of persons infected with and affected by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The North Island AIDS Coalition (NIAC) Society will continue to develop peer support training workshops and to partner with Aboriginal communities to provide culturally sensitive information and support to the Aboriginal population in their region.


Canadian Liver Foundation - Calgary Chapter
Hepatitis C Special Brochure Project

Through the Calgary Chapter of the Canadian Liver Foundation, a need was identified for accurate, current information on hepatitis C that can be easily understood and used. It is believed that high risk street individuals, Aboriginal clients, adolescents, new immigrants and those recently diagnosed with hepatitis C would all benefit from materials presented in an appropriate visual format and literacy level.

This project seeks to increase awareness and provide support to those infected, affected and at risk of hepatitis C infection in the Calgary area. In the first year, a brochure will be printed and distributed to a variety of target groups and community settings. Activities include the establishment of an advisory committee to determine brochure content, guide focus testing and revise materials. In the second year, additional low-literacy materials for specific target groups will be created and distributed through existing channels.

Canadian Liver Foundation - Alberta Region
Focus on Youth: Risk Prevention and Youth Volunteering

The project will provide youth with the tools to inform and educate their peers about hepatitis C. It will also attempt to sustain community action on hepatitis C through the involvement of trained volunteer youth in the activities of the Canadian Liver Foundation. A part-time youth coordinator will recruit and train a team of youth who will make presentations on hepatitis C risks, treatment and prevention to youth groups in Edmonton. Through expanded working partnerships and alliances formed during the first year, the team will train additional youth and offer presentations to an expanded and diverse group of youth audiences. The Youth Team will report on their project at a regional liver conference and make recommendations for future development in consultation with Canadian Liver Foundation staff and community partners.

Lethbridge HIV Connection Society
Hepatitis C Community Outreach Services

The organization serves clients co-infected with hepatitis C and HIV and is a leader in community harm reduction activities. The need for this project was identified through an analysis of client data. More than 80% of the client population accessing outreach services at Lethbridge HIV Connection is co-infected with hepatitis C and HIV. Of those infected with or affected by hepatitis C, 90% are Aboriginal peoples. Needs assessment interviews conducted with these clients identified a need for accessible community hepatitis C programs and culturally appropriate peer support for Aboriginal people in the region.

The goal of the project is to promote health and wellness of persons infected with, affected by or at risk of hepatitis C infection within Aboriginal communities of the Chinook Health Region. Project activities include the provision of six hepatitis C community awareness and information sessions, including presentations to urban Aboriginal groups and Aboriginal elders from the Blood and Peigan reserves. Peer support groups will then be established for Aboriginal persons infected with, affected by or at risk of hepatitis C within the Chinook Health Region.

Wood Buffalo HIV & AIDS Society (WBHAS)
Harm Reduction Awareness

The need for the project was identified through a community assessment in harm reduction. A Community Advisory Team was formed to plan, implement and evaluate harm reduction activities in the community. This team developed a plan for action which includes a hepatitis C public information campaign and a strategy to develop, maintain and strengthen existing community partnerships in hepatitis C and harm reduction.

The goal of the project is to increase community capacity to promote hepatitis C prevention and harm reduction. Community events that include sharing hepatitis C and harm reduction information will be held in partnership with networking agencies. A minimum of five volunteers will be trained to provide ten hepatitis C information sessions within the public and separate school systems.

The project will ensure that the community is better prepared to respond to requests for information about hepatitis C and to contribute to the implementation of harm reduction strategies. Project partners will increase their capacity to offer a consistent message with respect to hepatitis C and harm reduction.

Hepatitis C Information and Support for Hard-To-Reach Groups

The goal of the project is to increase access to hepatitis C information for hard-to-reach injection drug users, residents and staff of hotels and agencies in the inner city. Activities include the development of a poster that illustrates issues related to living with hepatitis C and HIV; implementation of a "hotel project" that provides education and prevention sessions to residents, staff and visitors to three inner-city hotels every three months; and the implementation of a bi-weekly needle-users support group. In-service training will be provided to inner-city agency staff, focussing on those who work outside regular work hours. A short video targeting street-involved injection drug users will be produced and made available for use in the Streetworks van and in other inner-city locations.

Alberta Community Council on HIV
Alberta Harm Reduction Conference
The sponsoring agency is the Alberta Community Council on HIV (ACCH), a partnership of fifteen non-profit, community-based organizations with the mandate to provide education and support on HIV. Member agencies support people co-infected with hepatitis C and HIV and use a harm reduction approach to prevent further spread of these viruses.

Key partners of the project include the Canadian Liver Foundation, the Calgary Regional Health Authority, the Capital Health Authority, AIDS Calgary Awareness Association, HIV Edmonton, Central Alberta AIDS Network Society, HIV North Society and Feather of Hope Aboriginal AIDS Prevention Society.

Through evaluation of the provincial Harm Reduction Conference held in 2000, a need was identified to increase opportunities for service providers working in harm reduction in Alberta to share information and expertise and to enhance support for implementing harm reduction strategies. Conference participants indicated that mutual learning and support for best practices are essential in their efforts to improve services for those infected with, affected by or at risk of hepatitis C infection. The project is intended to increase the application of harm reduction strategies by front-line service providers thus improve services for those infected with, affected by or at risk of hepatitis C infection throughout Alberta.

Manitoba and Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan

All Nations Hope AIDS Network
HCV Education, Prevention and Support with the Aboriginal Community Project

The All Nations Hope AIDS Network, in partnership with AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan and Carmichael Outreach Services, will deliver the Hepatitis C Education, Prevention and Support with the Aboriginal Community Project.

The need for this project was identified as a result of several studies and reports, including the 1999 statistical report of the Regina Street Project, the 2000 Regina Seroprevalence and Risk Behavior Study and the March 2001 HIV/HCV Co-infection in Canada report. Results indicated a high number of Aboriginal people accessing services in needle exchange programs, a high number of Aboriginal people infected with hepatitis C, and a high number of co-infection of HIV and hepatitis C.

The project will support a hepatitis C project coordinator. The coordinator will provide awareness information, testing or treatment referrals and educational presentations that are culturally appropriate to Aboriginal youth, women, correctional inmates, people who use injection drugs and Aboriginal community stakeholders throughout Saskatchewan. The coordinator will access the identified priority populations through needle exchanges, federal and provincial correctional facilities, addiction treatment centres, healing lodges, and Aboriginal service organizations that currently work with the identified at risk populations.

All Nations Hope AIDS Network
Injection Drug Use and HCV, Educating the Aboriginal Community

This project will focus on two objectives: the education of Aboriginal front line workers about hepatitis C information, treatment and testing and the increase of support for those infected with and affected by hepatitis C. The project will include the development and piloting of a guide for gathering people using drugs in a group setting and the development and implementation of a presentation on hepatitis C that incorporates the teachings from the Medicine Wheel.


Youthlink HEP C: Helping Educate Peers Constructively
Youthlink is a Toronto-based organization that focuses on street-involved youth and those at risk of becoming street-involved, many of whom are injection drug users. Their aim is to help youth through a variety of counselling, educational, residential, street work and prevention programs.

The Youthlink project will reach out to street involved youth that currently are infected with hepatitis C or at risk of becoming infected, and promote healthier lifestyle choices through support and education using a harm reduction model. Outreach workers will educate street youth about hepatitis C and harm reduction, and connect youth to Youthlink support services. Through a peer led support group/supper club, youth will learn lifestyle choices to enhance their current health status. Educational workshops conducted by the hepatitis C prevention worker and peer educator will be held in area group homes and centers frequented by youth to increase knowledge and awareness of hepatitis C, harm reduction strategies, and available support services.

Toronto & Central Ontario Hemophilia Society
Toronto and Central Ontario Hemophilia Society's Hepatitis C Educational Sessions

The Society provides support services to approximately seven hundred clients and works in partnership with St. Michaels Hemophilia Care Clinic to ensure that hemophiliacs and their families are linked to appropriate programs and services.

Approximately 70% of people in Canada with hemophilia were infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) through the blood system. People with severe hemophilia have a higher rate of HCV infection because they have received more blood products. Also, nearly all persons with hemophilia and HIV are co-infected with HCV. Co-infection may increase the risk of serious liver disease since suppressed immune systems enable HCV to progress more rapidly.

The goal of the project is to improve the quality of life for HCV infected people with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders and their families in Toronto and central Ontario. Activities include bi-annual educational meetings in Toronto, Brampton, Barrie, Oshawa and Lindsay on topics such as treatment options, nutrition, stigma and disclosure. In addition, the Society plans to hold an annual one day information and educational workshop in Toronto.

HIV/AIDS Regional Services
Hepatitis C Prevention & Education Project

HIV/AIDS Regional Services (HARS), established in September 1998, is mandated to provide education about HIV/AIDS and related issues to communities in Kingston and the surrounding rural areas, including the eight federal correctional institutions. Statistics show that 40% of HARS service users are co-infected with HIV and the hepatitis C virus (HCV).

A recent Hepatitis C Community Needs Assessment carried out by Street Health Centre in Kingston indicated that 61% of service users were looking for information on HCV immediately after diagnosis and that 48% would like an information group. This project will contribute to the community's capacity to prevent HCV transmission and address the education and support needs of individuals who are infected/affected and/or at risk of HCV. Educational presentations will target federally incarcerated individuals and local service providers. HARS will co-facilitate and provide support to a local hepatitis C information group.

Thunder Bay District Health Unit
Choices & Challenges: The Next Step

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit provides a needle exchange program which includes counselling and harm reduction services for individuals who are street-involved and injection drug users. Current statistics from the Thunder Bay District Health Unit indicate approximately 1000 reported cases of hepatitis C in the district, with continued reporting of new cases in the first nine months of 2001. It is expected that the number of new reported cases will increase with the growing awareness of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). A Community Network of representatives from health and social services, addiction services, Aboriginal organizations, and other community based organizations has been established and has been working to raise awareness, educate health professionals, and improve access to support services in the district. The project aims to improve the capacity of service providers to respond to HCV through train-the-trainer workshops. Through outreach activities, marginalized individuals will be made aware of risk behaviours that are associated with HCV transmission, and support and services available to those who may be HCV infected.

Porcupine District Health Unit
The Quill - Harm Reduction Project

In partnership with the Harm Reduction Committee of Timmins, this project will increase awareness of hepatitis C prevention and harm reduction as an important issue in the community. Training and information workshops will be conducted for correctional staff, public health satellite offices, and native leaders. Educational presentations on hepatitis C and harm reduction issues will be conducted directly with the target populations. A community workshop/forum will raise the profile and knowledge of hepatitis C and harm reduction issues and strategies.

AIDS Niagara
Hepatitis C Community Outreach and Education Initiative

AIDS Niagara is committed to education, support, outreach and prevention services throughout the Niagara Region, as they work to improve the quality of treatment, support and advocacy for all individuals affected by HIV/AIDS. AIDS Niagara estimates co-infection of HIV and the hepatitis C virus (HCV) among its clients at approximately 20%. Niagara Public Health statistics show that new HCV infections continued to be reported between January 2000 and October 2001.Working with AIDS Niagara's Streetworks Needle Exchange and Community Outreach Program, outreach activities will be conducted to promote HCV awareness, education, and harm reduction strategies among hard to reach populations at high risk of contracting hepatitis C. AIDS Niagara will also facilitate the collaboration of community stakeholders and service providers throughout Niagara Region to increase awareness and availability of HCV services.

Community Health Services Department of the County of Lambton
Lambton County's Hepatitis C Education and Support Project

Statistics collected by the Lambton Public Health Services confirm steadily increasing numbers of hepatitis C positive case reports, with the majority identifying injection drug use as a risk factor. The first goal of this project is to identify the needs of hepatitis C positive individuals for community services and health care services in Lambton county and share this information with key stakeholders responsible for these services. A second goal will be to provide support and education about hepatitis C to the injection drug use community in Lambton County and to reduce the spread of hepatitis C in this community. Through outreach activities, support and education will be provided for those infected with and at risk of hepatitis C infection.

HIV Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Development of Training and Education curriculum for service providers on issues related to Hepatitis C, HIV and substance use
The HIV Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is an initiative funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care - AIDS Bureau. The HIV Program is mandated to provide training, education, consultation and outreach to community based agencies/groups, institutions, correctional facilities, ex/active drug users, and anyone working with people living with HIV and substance use issues.

Clients of the HIV Program, including public health officials, addiction counsellors, AIDS Service Organizations, community groups, and others have increasingly requested training, information, and consultation services related to hepatitis C in addition to the services offered by the HIV program. Over 60 training and education sessions were conducted in 2001.

The goal of this project is to identify, develop, implement, and evaluate a training curriculum for service providers and community developers in relation to hepatitis C, HIV, and substance use. Once the training module is developed, the HIV Program will offer hepatitis C, HIV and substance use training education and consultation within the province of Ontario, as part of the services provided by the HIV Program at CAMH. The Program will also provide on-going consultation, support, and information to clients on hepatitis C.

AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area
Hepatitis C Education and Support Coordination

Over the last several years, staff at the agency have noted an increase in the number of clients co-infected with HIV and the hepatitis C virus (HCV). One of the agency's target populations, injection drug users, have an HCV infection rate of approximately 66-80%. An increase in the number of requests for HCV related materials and information has been noted and no other organization in the area provides HCV services to the injection drug user population. In partnership with the North Bay Jail, the local youth detention centre, local treatment centres, local Friendship centres and others, the project will develop and integrate an HCV component into existing HIV/AIDS train-the-trainer materials, develop and distribute HCV information, develop a resource library, and create HCV information displays for local events. In addition, the project will develop collaborative community partnerships for the delivery of HCV education and support initiatives including a comprehensive volunteer recruitment and training program as well as increased outreach, particularly within areas of high incidence of substance use.

Social Planning and Research Council
Hamilton Hepatitis C Network

The Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton-Wentworth (SPRC) was incorporated in 1966 to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Hamilton-Wentworth through strengthening the community's understanding of social problems and the capacity to address these issues.

A community hepatitis C needs assessment carried out last year indicated the need for a multi-stakeholder working group that would develop and improve hepatitis C related services in Hamilton. This project will develop a community network to enhance Hamilton's capacity to provide sustainable responses to the challenges posed by hepatitis C in its communities. The network would facilitate the development of local services by mobilizing a range of community resources and would serve as a focal point for service issues associated with hepatitis C. Activities include the development of a centralized information referral tool to be used by partner agencies, the development of train-the-trainer workshops for service providers as well as the creation of support opportunities for individuals living with hepatitis C.

Sandy Hill Community Health Centre
Addressing the Service Gaps for Hepatitis C in Ottawa

The Sandy Hill Community Health Centre provides a wide range of health and social services to the Ottawa-Carleton community. It works with community partners to enhance health and well being, including offering accessible integrated services to those who have difficulty accessing traditional health and social services. A Regional Hepatitis C Working Group was developed to advance the development of hepatitis C support. It includes members from sixteen organizations and companies including the City of Ottawa Public Health, the AIDS Committee of Ottawa, the Canadian Liver Foundation, the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, the Infectious Disease Unit of the Ottawa General Hospital, Schering, and Glaxo Smith Kline. The overall goal of this project is to strengthen this collaborative effort to address program and service gaps and to build on strategies for education and support concerning hepatitis C in Ottawa - including building on the existing Ottawa Hepatitis C Regional Working Group, developing links with new community partners and working towards the sustainability of the working group.
Hemophilia Ontario
Hemophilia Ontario's Hepatitis C Project

The goal of the project is to improve the quality of life for people with hemophilia and their families who are infected with and affected by hepatitis C. Activities include annual workshops in four of the regional offices (Ottawa, Hamilton, London and Sudbury). The topics to be covered will be determined by the regional boards. The regional comprehensive care centre will partner with the local hemophilia society chapter to develop and implement the one day workshops. As well, an expert panel will be assembled and a teleconference will be planned to link local hemophilia members with North American experts in the field of treatment and support.

The project will foster a caring and supportive environment for individuals currently infected and affected by hepatitis C. Target populations will benefit from this project through increased knowledge and awareness that will assist them in managing their condition.

Peel Health
Realize Your Potential: Awareness Campaign Addressing Hepatitis C Screening Issues Among Marginalized Individuals

With the support of Peel Health, a Hepatitis C Action Group has been formed which includes members of the target community and representatives from various community agencies that provide services to marginalized populations infected with or at risk of hepatitis C infection. This includes homeless individuals and those at risk for becoming homeless, street youth and women, many of whom engage in high risk behaviours such as injection drug use, tattooing, body piercing, and high risk sexual contact. A needs assessment of these populations was developed and conducted by the Action Group to determine the level of knowledge about hepatitis C among the target population, and to identify needs and issues requiring further action. From the survey results, the Action Group identified a need for more information around screening tests for hepatitis C.

The goal of this project is to reduce the spread of hepatitis C in the Region of Peel among marginalized populations by facilitating an awareness campaign to address hepatitis C screening issues. A peer support and education program will be led by the Action Group. Community information sessions and a networking workshop for community based agencies will also be conducted.

Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres
Aboriginal Outreach and Prevention - Hepatitis C

Studies have shown that the incidence of acute hepatitis C (HCV) infection among the Aboriginal population is up to seven times higher than that observed in the non-Aboriginal Canadian born population (Health Canada, 2001). This project will support the development of an Aboriginal specific training manual on HCV. Friendship Centre program staff will conduct a needs assessment of program staff and clients of 28 member centres. The resulting information will be used to design and develop a culturally relevant training manual covering all aspects of HCV.

Hepatitis C Society of Canada
Hepatitis C Support and Education Project for York Region

The York Region Chapter of the Hepatitis C Society of Canada was formed in 1996 by a group of volunteers responding to the direct needs of the community. The mandate of the York Chapter is to support people infected with, affected by and at risk of hepatitis C infection, to provide education, and to generate awareness about transmission, care, prognosis and prevention of hepatitis C infection.

Building on the successful activities of the past few years, the goal of this project is to increase the level of support and information for people infected with, affected by and at risk of hepatitis C infection and their service providers. The project activities will include monthly support group meetings and two informational workshops for people infected/affected by hepatitis C. In addition, two workshops will be held for service providers with a view to increasing availability of accessible support and services for those living with hepatitis C in the region. The chapter will also continue to maintain its chapter website as a means of providing information on chapter activities, local services, and links to hepatitis C information.

Halton Hills Community Support and Information
North Halton Hepatitis C Youth Outreach Project

The goal of the project is to reduce the spread of hepatitis C amongst youth in North Halton through targeted and early intervention strategies. In partnership with the needle exchange advisory committee, this project will develop a peer youth driven initiative to provide support and education to street-involved youth who are injecting drugs or are contemplating injection drug use. The project will support and train peer educators to provide outreach services to at risk youth. In addition, train-the-trainer workshops with local social and health service providers will be conducted.
Top of Page
Central Toronto Community Health Centres (CTCHC)
Hepatitis C Project

This downtown community health centre provides services such as street outreach, HIV/AIDS education, injection drug use outreach and nursing outreach. Through formal and informal needs assessments completed in 2000, the organization has identified hepatitis C as a serious health issue, particularly amongst individuals marginalised by factors such as homelessness, poverty and substance abuse.

Using a harm reduction approach, the project aims to increase knowledge about hepatitis C, including prevention, transmission, treatment options and lifestyle issues, and to contribute to the development of a stronger community support network for those infected with and at risk of hepatitis C infection. Activities include: train-the-trainer sessions with local service providers, educational sessions related to hepatitis C, monthly support/discussion groups for hepatitis C positive individuals and their families/friends, with an emphasis on accessible information and mutual support, street outreach to sites with a high incidence of substance use and the development of resources/ materials such as a speakers bureau and a hepatitis C newsletter.


Spectre de rue « Sang C »
The goal of this awareness project is to prevent the spread of hepatitis C among street youth who use injection drugs. The project will develop and distribute an awareness tool on hepatitis C to encourage this clientele to make healthy lifestyle choices. A financial partnership has been established with the Ministry of Health and Social Services of Quebec (MSSSQ). Other partners working on this prevention and awareness initiative include the Association des intervenants en toxicomanie du Québec, Pacte de rue and the Centre d'action communautaire auprPs des toxicomanes utilisateurs de seringues (CACTUS Montréal).

Fondation Canadienne du foie, section de Montréal Sensibilisation Hépatite C - FCF Montréal
The project is delivered in partnership with the local community service centre of Saint-Henri, the Canadian Hemophilia Society - Quebec, la Fondation Laurent Pontbriand - Hépatite C and the Association des intervenants en toxicomanie du Québec.

The specific objectives include: improving access to French language information on hepatitis C and providing tools and information to health personnel in the greater Montreal area to help them better address the needs of people infected with or affected by hepatitis C.

Association des intervenants en toxicomanie du Québec Inc.
Sessions de sensibilisation pour les intervenants des établissements résidentiels fédéraux (CCC/CRC)

In an attempt to reduce the incidence of hepatitis C in correctional facilities, this project will facilitate the development of adequate information and intervention skills to staff of federal correctional facilities. Project partners include Correctional Services of Canada -Division of Public Health, the Ministry of Health and Social Services of Quebec (MSSSQ) and other community organizations.

Centre d'action communautaire auprès des toxicomanes utilisateurs de seringues (CACTUS Montréal)
L' intervention par les pairs auprès des jeunes de la rue du centre-ville

The Centre d'action communautaire auprès des toxicomanes utilisateurs de seringues (CACTUS Montréal) is a non-profit organization working for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis infection among injection drug users, sex workers and street youth living in Montreal's city centre. Using a peer intervention approach, the project will inform this clientele about the harm of injection drug use. It will also seek to foster concerted action from local community organisations to encourage hard to reach populations (at risk of contracting hepatitis C) to adopt healthy and safe behaviours.

AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM) Safer Tattooing and Body Piercing
AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM) is a volunteer-based community organization providing support, primarily in English, to people affected by HIV and AIDS. In partnership with Tatouage artistique and the Black Community Resource Centre, the project will provide support to raise awareness among youth regarding risks associated with tattooing and piercing and the universal precautions aimed at reducing those risks. This will be achieved through the development and distribution of educational material centred on tattooing and piercing to adolescents and young adults in Montreal.

STELLA, l'amie de Maimie Prévenir l'infection par le VHC auprès des travailleuses du sexe
STELLA is the only community organization in Montreal with the specific mandate to improve the health and living conditions of female sex workers in Montreal. The support provided will serve to integrate specific hepatitis C programming into the organization's support activities. The group will work with women's groups in Montreal, HIV prevention programs in Montreal and surrounding regions, and the local community service centres of Faubourgs, Verdun and Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. Together they will develop information and prevention messages adapted to the realities of sex workers and work to facilitate access to health and social services that are adapted to the needs of this population.

Centre d'intervention et de prévention en toxicomanie de l'Outaouais
Comprendre et agir ensemble sur le VHC

The Centre d'intervention et de prévention en toxicomanie de l'Outaouais (CIPTO) offers drug abuse intervention and prevention services in the Ottawa-Hull and Grande-Rivière areas. This prevention and support project seeks to reduce the transmission of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the negative impact of drug addiction. The objectives of the project are: to educate social workers about HCV and its related problems; to reach and inform people who inject drugs; and, to support people infected with and affected by HCV.

Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec (CPAVIH)
Journal de réduction des risques : Pusher d'infos

In partnership with Quebec's coordination centre on HIV/AIDS (Centre québécois de coordination sur le SIDA) and the Direction de la Santé publique de Montréal-Centre, the Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec (CPAVIH) will reach out and inform injection drug users (IDU) about hepatitis C through a harm reduction bulletin. Further support will be provided to injection drug users through peer support and social rehabilitation. This project will contribute to improve the health and living conditions of injection drug users throughout the province of Quebec.

Travail de rue / Action communautaire
Le travail de rue : la prévention et le soutien communautaire dans le Sud-Ouest de Montréal

This project seeks to reduce the transmission of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) amongst street youth. Street workers will be trained on the nature and the effects of HCV. Prevention workshops will be developed with other partners to better respond to the needs of street youth with regards to HCV. The project is structured to transfer knowledge to street workers and community organizations in Montreal and its surrounding areas.

Point de Repères
Réalisation d'un vidéo sur l'hépatite C et diffusion auprès des utilisateurs de drogues par injection actifs et anciens

Point de Repères is a community organization with a mandate to promote health and the prevention of blood-borne pathogens and drug addiction in the Quebec city region. Point de Repères is undertaking this project in partnership with the Division of Public Health-Quebec and Schering Canada. New cases of hepatitis C infection are highest in the injection drug using population. This project was developed to prevent the transmission of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) amongst injection drug users through education on the importance of HCV screening tests, vaccination against the hepatitis A and B virus, non-sharing of used injection materials, aftercare for people infected with HCV and on the treatment of hepatitis C.

Centre femmes aux 3A de Québec Inc. Santé-vous hépatantes
This project will undertake a comprehensive range of activities to improve the health of ex-drug addicted women infected by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) or at risk of being infected by HCV. These support activities will include: the promotion and facilitation of HCV screening tests for women at risk; the notification of women identified as infected by HCV; the provision of appropriate medical and psychosocial support; and, support to manage their addiction.

Northern Secretariat

Status of Women Council of the Northwest Territories
Community HIV/Hepatitis C Prevention and Awareness Project

The Status of Women Council has a mandate to work towards the political, social and economic equality of women through public education, advocacy, research, advice to government, and support for the development of community women's groups and other groups working on issues of concern to women.

In 2000/2001, the federal and territorial governments piloted a new program delivery process through the development of the Community HIV/Hepatitis C Prevention and Awareness Project. This process increased accessibility of funding to communities interested in becoming involved with HIV and hepatitis C prevention and awareness activities.

The current project will provide a more coordinated and supportive approach to funding and mentoring of hepatitis C initiatives, increase involvement from communities and regions in hepatitis C work, and enhance partnerships among funded projects and other agencies. Health Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories are working collaboratively on this project.

Kwanlin Dun First Nation
The Yukon Hepatitis C Awareness, Health Promotion and Prevention Project

This is a collaborative project between Blood Ties Four Direction, Communicable Disease Unit, Whitehorse General Hospital Outpatient, and Kwanlin Dun First Nation. In the first phase, the project will develop and implement a hepatitis C awareness and promotion campaign to be piloted in the city of Whitehorse and Kwanlin Dun First Nation.

Subsequently the project will expand and implement the hepatitis C health awareness/promotion campaign to the entire Yukon - which will include health professionals and First Nations community members. The First Nations outside of Whitehorse will be involved in the development of the project (including the preview and the evaluation/ approval of campaign materials) through the Yukon First Nations Health and Social Development Commission.

Last Updated: 2005-05-18 Top