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Airworthiness Notices - A011, Edition 1 - 31 December 1998

 Concordance Between the Canadian Aviation Regulations and The Engineering and Inspection Manual


This Airworthiness Notice (AN) provides the aviation industry with information on the disposition of the definitions, requirements and procedures contained in the Engineering and Inspection (E & I) Manual as the result of the implementation of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) and the associated Standards, including the Airworthiness Manual.


Since the introduction of the Airworthiness Manual (AWM) in 1986, the E & I Manual became gradually obsolete as its provisions were reviewed, updated and incorporated into the AWM.

Amendment Number 32, dated 30 November 1989, to the E&I Manual provided a list of sections and paragraphs of Part I and II of the E & I Manual that were identified at that time as superseded, the date of supersession, and also a reference to the AWM where the requirements could be found. This list was not exhaustive and the Department intended to publish additional amendments until such time as all requirements were superseded; nevertheless, no further official lists were released after Amendment 32.

In 1997 a dedicated Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC) working group reviewed the remaining requirements related to the certification of aeronautical products and published updated standards in the new AWM Chapter 551, Aircraft Equipment and Installation Standards.


At present the E & I Manual is superseded in its entirety.  The CARs do not contain any reference to this manual or any statement addressing which requirements prevail in case of conflict between the AWM and the E & I Manual, as did Air Regulation 211 (1.1)(b).  However, since the requirements of the E & I Manual were included in the basis of certification of many aeronautical products, the manual remains valid as an historic document for past reference.

The information provided in the appendix to this AN is a first attempt to provide a comprehensive table of concordance of the provisions of the E & I Manual incorporated into CAR Standards and the AWM.

Further details may be obtained from:

Transport Canada, Civil Aviation
Aircraft Certification
Regulatory Standards (AARDH)


Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing (AARP)
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario   K1A 0N8

For Minister of Transport

K.J. Mansfield
Director, Aircraft Certification

D.B. Sherritt
Director, Aircraft Maintenance
and Manufacturing


Engineering and Inspection Manual
Table of Concordance



New Reference


Part I




Chap. I




Sec. 1.1

Design Approval Representative

AWM 505

Subchapter C


Sec. 1.2

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME)

CAR 403.03


Sec. 1.3

Regional Airworthiness Personnel


No longer required.  The AWM directs the public to the required office as appropriate.

Sec. 1.4

Regional Airworthiness Inspector (RAI)



Sec. 1.5

Service Representative



No longer required.

Sec. 1.6

Approved Companies


CAR 573.02

AWM Ch. 573


Sec. 1.7

Approved Inspection Organisation


AWM Ch. 573


Sec. 1.8


CAR 101.01(1)

No longer required.  CAR 101.01(1) contains definition of “Required Inspection”.

Sec. 1.9


CAR 101.01(1)


Sec. 1.10


CAR 101.01(1)


Sec. 1.11


CAR 101.01(1), CAR 571.06

AWM Ch. 571.06


Sec. 1.12


CAR 101(1), CAR 571.06AWM Ch. 571.06


Sec. 1.13


CAR 511, CAR 513


Sec. 1.14



CAR 605, Division IV

No longer required. CAR 605 refers to “Technical Record”.


Sec. 1.15

Aircraft Empty Weight


CAR 101.01(1)


Sec. 1.16



CAR 101.01(1)


Sec. 1.17




No longer required.

Sec. 1.18

Airworthiness Inspection Representative - AIR


AWM Ch. 505

Subchapter D


Sec. 1.19




No longer required.

Sec. 1.20




No longer required.

Sec. 1.21

Special Canadian Requirements (SCRs)


CAR 511

AWM Ch. 511, AMA 511/2

New terminology “Additional Technical Conditions” applies only to certification of foreign aircraft.


Chap. II


Aircraft Certification



Sec. 2.1

Canadian Type Approvals of Aircraft - Prototype Aircraft

CAR 511

AWM Ch. 511


Sec. 2.2

Aircraft Certification Requirements for obtaining and keeping in force a Certificate of Airworthiness

CAR 507.02

AWM Ch. 507


Sec. 2.3

Condition and Conformity Inspection Procedure

CAR 501

AWM Ch. 501

Reporting requirements of CCI Procedure have been replaced by the Annual Airworthiness Information Report.

Sec. 2.4

Log Entry - Aircraft

CAR 605.92

Now referred to as technical records.

Sec. 2.5

Major Modifications and Major Repairs to Registered Aircraft

CAR 513, CAR 571.06

AWM Ch. 513 & 571.06


Sec. 2.6

Certification of Airworthiness for Export to USA


CAR 509.02

AWM 509.02 & Appendix B Annex 1 (AWM Ch. 509)

Appendix B. Annex 1 is dedicated to USA special requirements.

Sec. 2.7

Certification of Aircraft with Equipment or Instruments Malfunctioning

CAR 605.08,605.09&605.10

STD 625.09 &  625.10



Sec. 2.8

Surplus Military Aircraft and Accessories

AWM 507.03(5) (b) & Appendix F

Appendix F covers aircraft  not requiring a certificate of airworthiness.

Sec. 2.9

Importation of Used Aircraft and Accessories

CAR 507.07


Sec. 2.10

Canadian Type Approvals for Imported Aircraft and Components

CAR 511

AWM Ch. 511



Sec. 2.11

Manufacture and Certification of Old Type Aircraft


Policy to be set by Director, Aircraft Certification.

Sec. 2.12

Maintenance Requirements for Canadian Registered Aircraft


CAR 571

AWM Ch. 571


Sec 2.13

Aircraft and Engine Inspection after Submersion


CAR 605.88

STD 625.88 Appendix G


Sec. 2.14

Computation of Inspection and Overhaul Times and Records

CAR 101. 01(1)

Definition of “air time”.

Sec. 2.15

Certification of Canadian Aircraft outside of Canada


CAR 571.11

AWM 571.11


Sec. 2.16

Certification of Foreign Aircraft in Canada


CAR 511

AWM 511 sub Ch. G

In accordance with the bilateral agreement or technical arrangement.


Sec. 2.17

Release for Return to Service of Private Registered Aircraft by Pilot after Maintenance Work


CAR 605.85

STD 625.85 & Appendix A


Sec. 2.18

Aircraft Certification Requirements for keeping in force a Continuing Flight Permit



No longer required.

Chap. III


Inspection Organizations



Sec. 3.1

Inspection at Factories, Repair Shops and Supply Houses


CAR 573

AWM Ch. 561, 563&573


Sec. 3.2

Metal Propeller Repair Shops


AWM 571.04


Chap. IV


Aircraft Materials



Sec. 4.1

Articles for which Inspection Release Certificates are not required




Sec. 4.2

Testing of Aircraft Fabric


No longer required.

Sec. 4.3

Flexible Hose - Identification and Marking


No longer required.






Chap. V





Sec. 5.1

Aircraft Identity


CAR 202 Division VIII &

CAR 605 Division III



Sec. 5.2

Aircraft Weight and Balance Control


CAR 605.92

AWM 571 Appendix G


Sec. 5.3

Limits of Aircraft Life



For aircraft certification Ageing Aircraft program requirements.


Sec. 5.4



AWM Ch. 591


Sec. 5.5

Aircraft Avionics Systems and Equipment


AWM Ch. 571


Sec. 5.6

Service Bulletins issued by Manufacturers



No longer required.

Sec. 5.7

Airworthiness Directives issued by the United States Civil Aeronautics Authority


CAR 593

AWM 593


Chap. VI





Sec. 6.1

Testing Engines After Overhaul



No longer required.

Sec. 6.2

Policy Re: Engines result in USA




Sec. 6.3

Periods between Overhaul of Engines

CAR 605.86

STD 625.86



Sec. 6.4

Engine Serial Numbers


CAR 201.05, 201.06&201.08



Sec. 6.5

Loan or Lease of Engines and Engine Modules


STD 726.08(1)(r)


Sec. 6.6

Certification by Service Representatives




Sec. 6.7

Engines in Storage




Chap. VII





Sec. 7.1

Periods between Overhaul of Propellers


CAR 605.86

STD 625.86 Appendix C



Sec. 7.2

Hamilton Standard Propellers - Service Life




Chap. VIII


Aircraft Maintenance Engineers



Sec. 8.1

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - General Information


CAR 403


Sec. 8.2

Conditions for the conversion of Air Engineers’Licences



No longer  required.

Sec. 8.3

Tests for Aircraft Welders



No longer required.

Sec. 8.4

Licence to Certify Airworthiness of Metal Propellers after Overhaul or Repair



No longer required.

Chap. IX





Sec. 9.1

Requirements for Type Certificates of Airworthiness for Aircraft Radio Equipment




Sec. 9.2

Requirements for Aircraft Radio Installations and Aircraft Radio Station Licences




Sec. 9.3

Requirements for Log Book Entries covering changes in radio equipment





Part II





Chap. I





Sec. 1.1

Skis and Ski Installations


AMA 500/9


Sec. 1.2



AWM Ch. 522


Sec. 1.3

Test Flights (other than Type tests)


CAR 511.09

AWM Ch. 511.09 & 571.10(4)



Sec. 1.4

Airworthiness Requirements for Agricultural Aircraft


ASI 26

AN  B012


Sec. 1.5



AWM Ch. 527 & 529


Sec. 1.6

Airworthiness Requirements for Seaplanes with External Loads




Advisory material under development.

Sec. 1.7





Sec. 1.8

Amateur-Built Aircraft


CAR 549

AWM Ch. 549



Sec. 1.9

Avionics Installation Requirements


CAR 605.16(1)(d), 605.18(a) & (b), 702.42(2)(b), 703.64(1)(d) & 704.62(1)(d)

AWM Ch. 551 & Ch. 571



Sec. 1.10

Maintenance Manual


CAR 702, 703, 704, 705 & 706

AWM Ch. 573



Sec. 1.11

Manned Free Balloons


AWM Ch. 531


Sec. 1.12

Flight Manual


AWM Ch. 522 to 531


Sec. 1.13

Runway Factor Requirements


CAR VII - 704.49, 705.60, 704.50 & 705.61



Chap. II





Sec. 2.1

Aircraft Flight and Power Plant Controls


AWM 571.10(4)(d)


Sec. 2.2

Exhaust Type cockpit and Cabin Heaters



Advisory material under development.


Sec. 2.3

Inspection of Aircraft used for Agricultural Purposes


AWM 625 Appendix C(2)


Chap. III


Instruments, Accessories, Equipment



Sec. 3.1

Restraint of Carry-on Baggage


CAR 602.86 & 705.42

AWM Ch. 551.10



Sec. 3.2

Emergency Exits


AWM Ch. 523, 525, 527, 529


Sec. 3.3

Magnetic Compass


AWM 625 Appendix C


Sec. 3.4

Smoking in Aircraft


AWM Ch. 523, 525, 527, 529



Sec. 3.5

Portable Fire Extinguishers


CAR 602.60, 604.41, 704.83 & 705.93

AWM Ch. 523, 525, 527, 529 & 551.400



Sec. 3.6

Altimeter and Altimeter Static Pressure System Testing and Inspection


AWM 571 Appendix B


Sec. 3.7

Combustion Heater Installations



Advisory material under development.


Sec. 3.8

Auxiliary Power Unit Installations (APU)



Advisory material under development.

Sec. 3.9

Flight Data Recorders


CAR 605.33

AWM Ch. 551.100



Sec. 3.10

Cockpit Voice Recorders


CAR 605.33

AWM Ch. 551.101



Sec. 3.11

Navigation Light Systems


CAR 605.16,

AWM Ch. 523, 525, 527, 529



Sec. 3.12

Emergency Locator Transmitter Systems


CAR 605.38

AWM Ch. 551.104 &

571 Appendix G


AWM Ch. 537.207 on ELT batteries being drafted.

Sec. 3.13

Ground Proximity Warning Systems


CAR 605.37

AWM Ch. 551.102



Sec. 3.14

Air Traffic Control Transponder and Automatic Pressure Altitude Reporting Equipment



CAR 605.35

AWM Ch. 551.103


Sec. 3.15

Safety Belts


CAR 605.22, 605.24, 702.44, 703.69 & 704.68



Chap. IV





Sec. 4.1

Engines - Overhaul Standards


CAR 571.02


Sec. 4.2

Engine Inspection following Propeller Damage


CAR 605.88

STD 625.88 Appendix G


Sec. 4.3

Damaged Propeller Blades


AWM Ch. 571 Appendix D


Sec. 4.4

Reconditioning of Solid Metal Propellers


AWM Ch. 571 Appendix D


Sec. 4.5

Aviation Fuels



No longer required.

Chap. V


Ground Handling Equipment



Sec. 5.1

Control Surface Locks


CAR 605.29


Chap. VI


Airworthiness Directives



Sec. 6.1

Airworthiness Directives


CAR 593.02

AWM Ch. 593


Last updated: Top of Page Important Notices