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Transport Canada Civil Aviation
Flight 2005 - Civil Aviation Safety Framework
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Safety Through Partnership Action Plan
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Ottawa, Ontario
November 5, 2001


This document sets out the plan to address action items proposed by participants at the Safety Through Partnership (STP) conference held in Toronto in November 2000 where Transport Canada is to play a key role.


The Safety Through Partnership Conference was held in Toronto on November 27th and 28th, 2000 and brought together some 120 executives from both industry and government. The goal of the conference was to identify key safety management challenges and propose meaningful action plans. Working in groups, participants identified eight (8) thematic areas in which they thought action needed to be taken. In order of priority, these areas are:

  1. Moving Toward a Positive Safety-Oriented Culture
  2. Managing and sharing Safety Data and Information
  3. Safety Management Orientation, Education and Training
  4. Design and Implementation of Safety Management Systems
  5. Partnerships, Communication and Networks
  6. Roles, Responsibilities and Accountability
  7. Resources
  8. Approaches to the Regulation of Safety Management

To varying degrees, Transport Canada was identified as a key player in some or all of these areas. STP participants also recommended specific actions in each thematic area. Since then, the Department has taken many initiatives and is about to embark on others that would, in essence, address many of the STP-proposed actions. Therefore, this document constitutes more of a report on the status of these initiatives and their links to STP recommended actions rather than an outline of new actions or initiatives.

Action Plan

Thematic Area 1 - Moving Toward a Positive Safety-Oriented Culture

Participants identified the development of a positive safety-oriented culture as a key management challenge.

The following identifies the proposed key actions and the Departmental action or initiatives currently underway or proposed:

Recommended Actions Departmental Initiatives/Actions
Develop and promulgate industry-wide safety management policy, code of ethics and safety performance measurement framework Addressed by the various CARAC Technical Committees that are currently exploring the gamut of SMS requirements and related issues.

In addition, SMS was the theme of two CASS' and a booklet was published.

Address performance measurement framework issue as part of Civil Aviation's initiative in this area.

Deliver targeted seminars with a focus on safety management. Addressed with the launch of the SMS Briefing Campaign scheduled to commence in November 2001.

Thematic Area 2 - Management and Sharing of Safety Data and Information

A range of issues was raised in this area including improving data collection and availability to non-punitive reporting.

The following identifies the proposed key actions and the Departmental action or initiatives currently underway or proposed:

Recommended Actions Departmental Initiatives/Actions
Create a joint industry-government task force for the development of a safety data strategy. Addressed, in part, by the CARAC Technical Committee I as well as the non-punitive working group.

Subject to be further explored in the development of the Aviation Safety Evaluation Framework by Safety Services.

Thematic Area 3 - Safety Management Orientation, Education and Training

Conference participants underscored the importance of training in the area of safety management and recommended:

Recommended Actions Departmental Initiatives/Actions
Developing a performance standard for the delivery of safety management training. Addressed with the launch of the SMS Briefing Campaign scheduled to commence in November 2001.

Thematic Area 4 - Design and Implementation of a Safety Management System

Participants advanced the notion that Safety Management Systems are the key to effective safety management and recommended the following key action:

Recommended Actions Departmental Initiatives/Actions
Develop common definitions and principles for Safety Management Systems accompanied by an implementation plan. Addressed by the various CARAC Technical Committees that are examining the gamut of SMS requirements and related issues.

Could be addressed through SMS briefing Campaign where participant feedback/input will be solicited.

The aforementioned could then be used as the basis for Civil Aviation adoption.

Thematic area 5 - Partnerships, Communication and Networking

Participants recognized that ongoing communication and dialogue on safety management issues between industry members and Transport Canada is critical.

Recommended Actions Departmental Initiatives/Actions
Continue on-going dialogue and collaborative activities such as CASS, STP, joint-committees, task forces, safety reviews, joint industry-government website, etc. Addressed by current initiatives such as CASS and other educational and promotional initiatives, the various CARAC Technical Committees and working groups, and the Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance Conference.

A joint industry-government web site will be developed as a subset of the SMS Briefing Campaign.

Thematic Area 6 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountability

Participants discussed the defining of roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities necessary to manage safety pro-actively within an organization, as well as the clear lines of accountability between the various stakeholders in the aviation system.

Conference participants identified the need for stakeholders to take collective responsibility for the safety of the aviation system. The highest levels within an organization must be responsible for safety. There may be an opportunity to enhance safety management by increasing accountability for safety through alternate, non-regulatory means

Recommended Actions Departmental Initiatives/Actions
Pursue the clarification of roles, responsibilities and accountabilities as a prerequisite for fostering ownership for safety management. Addressed by proposed Amendment to the Aeronautics Act on "Accountable Executive" - a keystone for any SMS - as well as the various CARAC Technical Committees and working groups.

Thematic area 7 - Resource

Conference participants highlighted the need for resources to be allocated to improve the management of safety throughout the aviation transportation system.

A proactive safety management program combined with a systematic approach to risk management will illustrate where safety resources are best allocated within each organization.

Recommended Actions Departmental Initiatives/Actions
Promote risk-based decision-making practices as an effective means for allocating resources to safety management. Addressed by Risk Management training effort, the publishing of guidance material on risk management.

Consideration should be given to developing a risk management framework for application within Civil Aviation.

Thematic Area 8 - Approaches to the Regulation of Safety Management Systems

Conference participants raised the question of whether to require Safety Management Systems in regulation or not and, if so, what kind of regulatory approach should be pursued.

Though no specific action items were developed for this theme due to its low priority, STP participants did, however, recommend that consultations and dialogue among stakeholders aimed at identifying the most appropriate means to implement safety management continue. These concerns are being addressed through the CARAC process.


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