Transport Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

RSS Feed for Ship Safety Bulletins Download RSS Feed

Transport Canada Marine Safety now provides RSS feeds containing the latest news releases about Ship Safety bulletins. This is a simple and easy way to receive a notice when a new issue of our Ship Safety Bulletins is available.

What is RSS?

Rich Site Summary (RSS) or as some refer to it, Real Simple Syndication, is an XML-based format for content distribution in real time. Transport Canada Marine Safety RSS feeds will include the Bulletin number, title and a link to the latest release of a Ship Safety Bulletin.

Why use RSS?

There are a number of benefits to using RSS, including:

  • You select what news you want. RSS allows you to select the type of news and information you receive from websites.
  • You determine when you get your news. Once you download your news reader, you can customize it to go and fetch the news every five minutes, or every hour - depending on how you want it.
  • No personal information is required to subscribe to an RSS feed.
  • Cut down on spam. You don't have to submit your e-mail address, thus you decrease your risk of getting unsolicited (spam) e-mail.
  • Users always have access to the most current Safety Bulletins.

Instructions on Adding a News Feed to Your Feed Reader or RSS Aggregator

For most modern browsers, (i.e.) Internet Explorer 7, Netscape 9, Firefox 1, Opera 9, Safari, that have one built in:

  • Left click on the RSS icon Download RSS Feed,
  • And follow the instructions

For other browsers:

  • Using your mouse, right click on the RSS Feed Icon Download RSS Feed.
  • The pop-up menu that appears will vary based on your web browser.
  • Internet Explorer users select the "Copy Shortcut" option.
  • Users of Firefox, Netscape, Opera and other web browsers select the "Copy Link Location" option.
  • Launch your RSS aggregator or feed reader program and paste the copied URL into an "Add New Feed" window.

Detailed instructions on how to add news feeds are included in the news reader application that you choose. When new Ship Safety Bulletins are issued to the Marine Safety website, you will be alerted by your aggregator.
No personal information is required to subscribe to an RSS feed.

RSS aggregators / Feed readers

There are various RSS aggregators / feed readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet.

Terms and Conditions for use of TC RSS Feeds

More on RSS

For more details on RSS, try this useful FAQ or the RSS specification