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Nova Scotia Division
News & Events
Programs & Services
Nova Scotia Branches
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Welcome to CMHA Nova Scotia Division
CMHA Nova Scotia Division's mission is to promote the mental health of all Nova Scotians recognizing cultural diversity. Curently, there are Seven branches with Eight locations in Nova Scotia. See our directory for the closest branch to you.

Donate NowWhat's New
Mental Health Advocates Training Project 
A project to improve access to legal information for mental health consumers

Suggested Reading
CMHA Nova Scotia has released top picks for reading in areas of Depression, Family, Anxiety, Relaxation and Anger Management  

CMHA Nova Scotia offers the following services through it's branch offices. For more information, contact your local branch of the CMHA.

  • Mental Health Promotion
  • Social Action & Policy Development
  • Suicide Prevention Services
  • Volunteer Opportunities
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