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Transport Canada - Road Safety

Anti-lock Braking Systems
TP 13082

About ABS
Using ABS
ABS warnings and maintenance
More ABS information
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Road surfaces and ABS

Road hazards that will cause the ABS to function unexpectedly are gravel, sand, ice, snow, mud, railway tracks, potholes, manhole covers, and even road markings when it is raining.

The ABS cannot make up for road conditions or bad judgment. It is still the driver’s responsibility to drive at reasonable speeds for weather and traffic conditions. Always leave a margin of safety.



Does Transport Canada have a safety standard for ABS?

No, not for ABS alone.

Transport Canada does have a standard for effectiveness of a vehicle’s intact brake system, which includes braking performance in case of a failure of part of the system.


Do all ABS-equipped vehicles brake in the same way?

No. Some ABS equipped vehicles perform differently than others, which is why it is important to learn the braking characteristics of your vehicle.


How can I become familiar with my vehicle's ABS?

Find yourself an empty parking lot with lots of room to manoeuver. Practice hard braking stops from 30 km/h in this safe location.

Note the brake pedal feel, sound and vehicle control during braking in a turn or in a straight line. Remember, ABS will perform differently depending on the road surface or weather conditions.


Should I disconnect my ABS?

No. ABS provides the average driver with above average vehicle control in most conditions.

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