
Live Life NOW!

Posted by jambrose
Rating is 10

Cindy's story about encountering her outer limits while hiking up Avalanche Peak in Arthur's Pass, New Zealand... "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." - Theodore Roosevelt

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Photo from Sharks episode Living life large in the Rockies


 5th station,Mt Fuji Salmon Spawn

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Sidney Spit, Gulf Islands, B.C., Canada NOW: Episode 2

What people are saying

"Thank you for sharing your inspirational life list. This reminds me of when I first..."

"Before I die I would also like to climb that mountain, and jump off that cliff, and eat a shark before it..."


My Life List

1) To over come the worst fear in my life which is to be in the BUSH at night!!!!
2) To do mountain climbing.
3) To be succesfull in my business venture.
4) To do another fear which is being in a canoe.
5) To just plan and simple take any kind of risk, I have always sat back and not done anything that may involve a risk.
6) To see a real live wild MOOSE!!!!
7) To go hunting for deer or moose.
8) To go white water rafting.
9) To go anywhere in the world other then my SMALL town. I have never been anywhere other then London, Strathroy, and B.C. thatès it just oncwe I would love to go to other places like Europe,California etc.
10) And the biggest thing I want to do before I do anything is be able to take my husband on a honeymoon we never got one and we can not afford to take one so that is my most important thing in life right now.

My Life List

1.Learn to be a Jockey.

2.Do some nursing mission work in a needy country.

3.Visit Bethlehem.

4.See the Pyramids.

5.Work in a Wildlife Sanctuary.

My Life List

1. Learn to be a Jockey.

2. Do some nursing mission work in a needy coutry.

3. Visit Bethlehem.

4. See the Pyramids.

5. Work in a wildlife sanctuary.