Nature in Focus

We're pleased to announce the winning entries of the second annual NATURE IN FOCUS Environmental Photography Competition, designed to inspire and challenge viewers to examine the effect that they have on their surroundings, and to explore the interactions between humans and the environment of which we are all a part. This year's contest was a great success featuring many wonderful photographs, which made the judging process a difficult one.

Our winners were chosen by a panel of judges from the contest sponsors, as well as special guest judge and internationally renowned photographer, Edward Burtynsky. Our Grand Prize for this year of a trip for two to beautiful New Brunswick goes to Desirée Silva, who submitted a fascinating and compelling photograph which explores the balance between nature and the ways in which we have adapted it to our needs. Many thanks to all those who participated!

On behalf of our proud sponsors, The Nature of Things with David Suzuki would like to thank all those involved in this year's competition and look forward to their participation in next year's event. Thank-you for your continued interest and support of this award-winning series.

Also pick up a copy of the October issue of Harrowsmith Country Life Magazine for a full-colour spread of the winning entries!

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