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June 27, 2007

Does Toronto Really Suk?


People love to hate Toronto. Type 'Toronto Sucks' into Google and you get 1,180,000 entries. The Arrogant Worms Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie even sing a song called 'Toronto Sucks.'

So why the hate? Fim director Albert Nerenberg wanted to find out. He made a documentary called 'Let's All Hate Toronto.' The film travels across Canada to find out why Toronto is so hated. It follows the antics of Rob Spence, who hosts "Toronto Appreciation Days," across the country, beginning on a beach in Newfoundland and ending with a earful of hatred on a call-in show in Vancouver. Albert was on the show to talk about this yesterday. If you live in Toronto the film opens at the Bloor Cinema tomorrow night at 9:30pm.

What do you think? Does Toronto Suck?

June 26, 2007

The Hour's Website Testing

The Hour is looking for your help. We've been thinking recently about making a few changes to our website. But first, we'd like to know what you think about the current site.

In order to do that we're asking for your help with some web site testing. To do the test you would have to come down to the CBC building in downtown Toronto. So if you have about half an hour of free time tomorrow (Wednesday June 27th) between 10am and 3pm, and would like get participate in some testing for The Hour's website, write a comment reply to this blog entry with your email address. Don't worry I won't publish your email address.

ps. If you come down I'll give you a personal tour of the studio, and some schwag. If you can't make it feel free to leave your comments for improvements here.

June 19, 2007

Hillary Clinton Meant to Fly?

Well, at least she's hoping her campaign will. Her "official" campaign song was just announced. Who did Hillary pick? Celine Dion's "You and I" (maybe she wants free flights from Air Canada?). You can grove to the song here, but just don't let anyone see or hear you. You'll never hear the end of it. Kind of like when you dance to the Backstreet Boys. And I'm curious...what are your thoughts on this video?

Next Stop: Singing for the Queen

Opera man won! "Singing mobile phone salesman Paul Potts woke up 100,000 pounds richer today after winning television show Britain's Got Talent, and revealed that he will spend part of his prize money clearing debts and improving his teeth." He'll also perform in front of the Queen at the Royal Variety Performance in December. Here's my question...if this was an American show do you think an opera singer would have won? I don't.

June 14, 2007

The Ultimate Ringtone

Seems like this video is making the rounds right now. It's from 'Britain's Got Talent'. This show is the same as the American version, but it's better in my opinion. It seems to be less about dragging people on stage to make fun of them and more focused on actually finding people with a gift. People like Paul Potts from Wales. He's a mobile phone salesman who dreams of being an opera singer. Somehow I don't think he'll be working his phone gig for much longer.

June 12, 2007

A Blockbuster Line Up

Tonight on the show we've got interviews with Rufus Wainwright and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Coming up later this week we have interviews with Stephen King, John Kerry, and later Richard Branson. I don't know what you think about that, but I think that's a hell of line up for a Canadian late night show in it's first season on a major network.

But don't take my word for it, check out Leno's or Letterman's line ups. Different for sure, but not much better.

Nickelback Love 'em or Hate 'em


Nickelback's Chad Kroeger, and Daniel Adair sat down with George the other day.

The strange thing about Nickelback is that they evoke this very strong reaction in people. People either love them or hate them. And most people that hate them, seem to hate them because they've heard their songs too often. To me this is a uniquely Canadian reaction. We begrudge success.

As for George, he likes the band, "they work really hard," he said. "And they perform hit songs, that they actually write themselves... People like the songs. You can't write your own songs that reach that many people without having something figured out."

So do you guys love 'em, hate 'em, or have a more nuanced reaction?

Here's Johnny!


Mark your calendars because George's interview with Stephen King is on the show tomorrow. We did the interview at his hotel on Friday. King was in town to receive the "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the Canadian Booksellers Association...first time it's ever been given to a non-Canadian. He's totally down to earth, speaks his mind and after you meet him you're left wondering...The Shining came from THAT mind? Wow.

June 11, 2007

Hawg Not Wild

pig 1.jpg
Well the jig is up, actually the pig is up. The allegedly wild giant porker shot by little Jamison Stone is not wild at all but a home grown ham. The porker's name was actually Fred. The Game warden for Alabama confirms that four days before he was shot Fred was enjoying life on a local farm. His owners sold him to a hunting farm and Fred was actually hunted in a large fenced enclosure, taking 16 bullets over three hours before he went down. Little Jamison's dad says he wanted to teach his kid about life...I say a canned hunt doesn't say much about anything except cruel and unusual punishment.

An Evening in Montreal with Ween


It'd be difficult to make me happier than just being in Monty on a Saturday in June, but because I also got to see the band Ween and it was the Grand Prix weekend in near perfect weather, I had to tell you about it.

If you don't know who Dean and Gene Ween are, that's really too bad. They're referred to as "anarchic and free spirited," their albums as "wild, silly eclecticism," but simply put, Ween is unpredictable, amazingly creative and awesome live, the way a rock band should be. And really, is there a better city on Earth than Montreal? The streets were brimming until near dawn with folks from all over the world for the race.

- Martin O'Brien

Hitchens' Holy War


Christopher Hitchens' new book 'God is Not Great' the latest in a handful of recent books that denounce God and religion. It follows Richard Dawkins' 'The God Delusion' and a few other books that recoil and rail against the rise of religion in our lives, our politics and our world.

Hitchens' latest book, currently sitting third on the Time's bestseller list, is a pure polemic against the mindless invocation of religion. And while that may cheer the average latte drinking atheist, left wingers should be wary. Hitchens is no liberal; he's friends with Paul Wolfowitz, he supports the 'War on Terror,' he hangs with the neo-cons in Washington. All of whom are probably pretty uncomfortable with this anti-religious book, and that's exactly the point.

Because Hitchens is above all else a non-conformist. He's fiercely independent, he doesn't drift along with the mainstream, he speaks his mind, he's not a careerist boot-licker, as his brother once described him.

Which is what makes Hitchens so fascinating. He's a man who thinks for himself, and doesn't care about the consequences.

Christopher Hitchens will be sitting down with George tonight on The Hour. It's sure to be interesting conversation.

June 07, 2007

George & The Pope

Yesterday's show opening, which we call the thought of the day, made me laugh. In case you missed it here it is:

as they say on the internet lol.

Controversy over Marina Nemat Interview


On Monday Marina Nemat was on the show. If you missed the interview, Marina Nemat was arrested in Iran when she was 16. She was minutes from being executed when her jailor spared her life - but only if she would become his wife. She wrote about the experience in her new book 'Prisoner of Tehran.'

Now some members of the Iranian community are questioning Nemat's story. Ali wrote in to say that Nemat made things up to sell more books. Another viewer, Iraj, says: "I am hundred percent sure that Marina Nemat is a great liar."

Nemat herself responded to the this, saying:

Iraj is a member of an Islamist group named "The Mojahedin," and unfortunately, if you're not with them, they consider you their enemy... You said you can prove that I'm lying. Please, I urge you to do so, but I know you can't, because I have told the truth; political rethoric and propaganda do not count as proof.

You can read the full comments here.

The above is drawing of the Iranian prison by Soudabeh Ardavan from here.

June 04, 2007

Driving, Biking, Walking...

We all have our own way of getting around the city. Some of us drive our cars -- convenient and fast. Some of us bike -- healthy and refreshing. Some of us walk -- fresh air and exercise. The following is not to criticize the form of travel we take, but merely to educate people on HOW to efficiently and responsibly travel without severely angering everyone around them. Each week and new set of tips will be released for each mode of transportation. I'm willing to take suggestions too, just comment below.

20070521_carsign.jpg Turn signals are an intention, not a process! Understand that your turn signals are meant to silently display your intent to turn. The problem is that a lot of people use them when they start turning. How is that suppose to warn anyone of anything!

20070521_bikesign.jpg Wear a helmet! For the love of Pete, wear a stupid helmet. Sometimes they look dorky, sometimes they are annoying, but you are biking next to crazy people in cars. A helmet will save your life...so maybe, just maybe, its worth the aesthetic aggravation.

20070521_pedestrian.jpg Slow walkers! It's not what you think...I've actually made my peace with slow walkers. But here is the key. If you are a slow walker: a) walk in a straight line b) don't take up the entire sidewalk. You have the right to walk slowly, I have the right to walk quickly. Give me the freedom to zig and zag through pedestrian traffic.