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July 31, 2007

Solar Panels

Solar Panels installed in remote village.

No words for this...simply amazing.

July 30, 2007

Shawn "Juice" James


Shawn "Juice" James was a victim of gun violence, early Sunday morning. While rumoured to have connection to drugs and gangs, James was apparently a beloved member of the community. He was a role model and an inspiration, keeping kids in school and leading them towards garduation.

The community decided to honour his memory with a mural, (above) however there was no permission from the Toronto Community Housing Corporation. Now there is a pending decision on whether the mural will be painted over.

This event has united a community and given memory to a man who inspired many.

There is a petition site to show support for the mural and try to change the minds of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation.

Chilean Player Admits Violence.

Soccer Confession

Perhaps Chile, its representatives, and its players owe Canada and the Toronto Police Department an apology?

Now obviously, since I wasn't there, I don't know everything that happened. Is it possible that the security and police overreacted? Sure, its possible.

But when you are guests in a country, is it not in your best interests to represent your country in the best way possible? Even if the police are being unfair, do what they say to avoid conflict.

July 26, 2007

The Real Threat to Americans

Perhaps there is more to work on?

July 24, 2007

Ryerson and George


Thanks to Allan (of all people, wink wink) for letting me know about this article on George, by Joe Rayment. It's a good read.

(Illustration by Levi Nicholson)

July 23, 2007

Dateline NBC being Sued.


I recently came across this show the and had mixed reactions. For those who are not aware of it, along with Perverted Justice (a 'watchdog' group) Dateline lures pedophiles to a house with promises of sex from an underage individual. They film and interview them, and when they're done, let the police arrest them.

On one hand, it's pretty engaging television. Here are child predators, on camera, in the midst of their illegal activity. They are interviewed, embarrassed, and arrested, all in front of a national audience. Sympathy is out the window, as who could possibly sympathize with someone capable of committing such an atrocity? All together, Dateline, Perverted Justice, and the local Police departments are rounding up pedophiles and delivering justice.

That simple? Of course not, and I was pretty sure there would be issues.

Not being a lawyer, of course, I asked myself a few questions.

a) What was the legality of showing their faces on national television, with or without a conviction? The registry for sexual assaults is designed for the public to be aware of dangers in their immediate vicinity. Does this apply to a national broadcast?

b) What is the balance of the law/justice with entertainment and sensationalism? Dateline and Perverted Justice both claim that the purpose of the show is to discourage the pedophiles from re offending. However, within the life of the show, at least one person has been caught twice.

First off I found this video from a Texas attorney who claims that the majority of evidence gathered in these cases were of no use.

And now, an attorney who was caught on the show has killed himself, and his family has filed a lawsuit claming his death was a direct result of the show.

Family sues over death

Not sure where I stand...

July 20, 2007

The Checkers Solution...


Checkers Solution

Recently, researchers at the University of Alberta have created a computer who can't lose at checkers. The computer, or 'Chinook', can't be played to a draw...but will never actually be beaten by a human counterpart.

While my first question was "They haven't done this yet?", feeling that codes and algorithms should have accomplished this already. Surely my first computer, (a brand spanking new Commodore 64) would have an unbeatable level to its checkers games. My first question was quickly followed by my second, (predictably) "Who cares?"

But then I stopped, thought, and realized how difficult this must have been. No matter how you play, no matter how a computer plays, the best you can do is a draw... it is mathematically impossible to beat this machine at a simple game. Regardless that there are a finite number of moves in checkers, it's a significant step in the Artificial Intelligence staircase.

In the same article, it references that computer that will go on to play in a poker championship against 2 human players.

What's next?

A computer program that can't be beat at Chess? That step is a scary one, as in essence the moves are finite, as in checkers, but strategic planning is much more complex.

Is it a comforting to think that computers could be eventually be unbeatable at everything?

July 17, 2007

Antidepressants Top the Drug List!

Drug Report

We are reaching a dangerous level. 118 million antidepressants were prescribed to Americans in 2005, out of the 2.4 billion drugs in total.

In a multi-tiered health care system where independent pharmaceutical companies can market their product and support/donate/sponsor specific hospitals, is that not a conflict of interest for doctors?

While there is no doubt in my mind that many of these people benefited from their doctor's opinion, there is no way all of these people required medication. Quite frankly, it's alarming how' prescription happy' some doctors are becoming. I personally have turned down antibiotics more than once as my doctor had no clue why I had a sore throat, but merely thought "It might help."

Is anyone else finding this a bit disconcerting?

July 13, 2007

Strombo on Tom Green.

July 12, 2007

George with Tom Green, Tonight!


Tonight, 11pm eastern, 8pm Pacific, our good friend, a mister George Stroumboulopoulos, will be on Tom Greens Show. Two of the most real people in the entertainment industry, in one interview, is bound to be controversial and educational.

Plus, I believe there may even be the option for call-in questions...

Just visit www.tomgreen.com to watch!

'Honest' Ed Mirvish (1914-2007)


A tragic day in Toronto, as on July 11 2007, the icon 'Honest' Ed Mirvish passed away at the age of 92. A saviour of the arts, a philanthropist, and a purely remarkable man. Mirvish saved the Royal Alexandria Theatre, built the Princess of Wales Theatre, and his Mirvish productions brought amazing hits, such as the Lion King, Mamma Mia, The Producers, and Hairspray, to the city of Toronto.

But it was his good nature and creativity that captured the hearts of Toronto. Whether it was handing out free turkeys during the holidays or simply shaking your hand while you shopped in his store (of which I was blessed to have experienced) there was genuine kindness that surrounded him.

I grew up in the annex, just a few blocks away from Honest Ed's, and can honestly say that a discount store, a bargain store, was a major icon of that area. Taking up an city block, you can't miss it, nor should you.

Ed Mirvish will be sorely missed.

July 09, 2007

Driving, Biking, Walking...

We all have our own way of getting around the city. Some of us drive our cars -- convenient and fast. Some of us bike -- healthy and refreshing. Some of us walk -- fresh air and exercise. The following is not to criticize the form of travel we take, but merely to educate people on HOW to efficiently and responsibly travel without severely angering everyone around them. Each week and new set of tips will be released for each mode of transportation. I'm willing to take suggestions too, just comment below.

20070521_carsign.jpg Cell phones distract, period! Now I got into an argument with a good friend of mine while she was driving. I'm sorry, cell phones distract, no matter how good you think you are at driving. No call is SO important that it can't wait a few minutes until you're out of the car...no call is worth risking lives.

20070521_bikesign.jpg Bikes on the subway? Can someone please enlighten me...cause I think I'm just not understanding. Why do you have a bike, if you're just going to take the subway? I'm not saying I'm completely right here, I'm just very very confused.

20070521_pedestrian.jpg Merge as if you are driving! This one drives me crazy! If you're coming out of a store and into a sidewalk, you can't just blindly walk out. Think of it like merging onto the highway from an onramp. You have to meet the speed of the walkers who are already on the sidewalk and wait your turn. When you blindly walk, without looking, you risk being run into.