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August 20, 2007

Breathing Earth

Breathing Earth

My brain took a while to process and react to this. I have been fixated on this site for a little while now.

August 13, 2007

Driving, Biking, Walking...

We all have our own way of getting around the city. Some of us drive our cars -- convenient and fast. Some of us bike -- healthy and refreshing. Some of us walk -- fresh air and exercise. The following is not to criticize the form of travel we take, but merely to educate people on HOW to efficiently and responsibly travel without severely angering everyone around them. Each week and new set of tips will be released for each mode of transportation. I'm willing to take suggestions too, just comment below.

20070521_carsign.jpg Highway etiquette! The left lane is the fast lane. The middle lane is the 'moving over' lane. The right lane is the slow lane. If you are in the left lane, and someone comes up behind you...move to the middle lane, let them pass, then return to the left lane. Don't morally judge people's speeding habits.

20070521_bikesign.jpg Red lights apply to you too. I've noticed a little trend lately. Some bikers tend to not stop at Stop signs or Red lights...are you simple? They aren't a suggestion.

20070521_pedestrian.jpg Think on the side. What's with people stopping and standing in the middle of the sidewalk? Move over, don't stop in the middle of pedestrian traffic. If you don't know where you are, need to stop to tie a shoelace, or even to ponder the meaning of life, just do it away from traffic.

August 09, 2007

Iran 9 years away from 2016!

This gave me a chuckle...

Iran getting close

August 07, 2007

The NASA dilemma

My interest has been peaked by NASA over the past year or so. From love triangles resulting in attempted murder/kidnapping, internal sabotage, and drunk space driving, NASA has had their issues. The question, invariably, that needs to be asked, why are we spending so much money on exploring space when there are so many issues on Earth that need our attention? Surely, the money spent on space exploration could go to cure cancer, heart disease, world hunger, etc etc etc

I found this blog post/article, that is pretty interesting...

Tax Dollars on Space Exploration

August 03, 2007

Microchips in Humans?

Now I have a bit of a mystery on my hands that I would like some help with. I stumbled upon this CNN Article which talked about a corporation installing microchips in their employees for security purposes.

With all the civil liberties and Big Brother issues aside, I decided to go the website they had listed, "www.citywatcher.com." However, no site seems to exist, but instead sent me to a generic google search page which listed a second article...from vaildaily.com.

This one has Todd Lewan as the listed author (not the AP) but with an AP accredited photo. Now most likely, he forgot to include the (AP) at the beginning of the article.

But why is www.citywatcher.com now out of existence? Public outcry too much? Just curious is all.