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Interplanetary Disc Drop

voyager album.gif

In 1977, NASA launched what might just be the most ambitious mixtape in human history. Golden records were placed on the two Voyager spacecraft and launched into space in 1977. The hope is that the discs will someday be found by intelligent alien life forms who might use them to learn about earth. If these extraterrestrial beings can figure it all out, they will hear greetings in 55 languages and 90 minutes of music from Chuck Berry to Bach. The Voyagers 1 & 2 left our solar system last year, but they're not expected to approach another star for 40,000 years.

Meanwhile in our little corner of the universe, about 80 people have dropped discs for other intelligent life forms to find and enjoy. Three people have written in to tell us that they found a disc - including James in Ottawa. James found a disc that a guy named Jay dropped at the Bayshore Transit station a few days earlier. James says he discovered a new local band he likes thanks to Jay's mix. They're called Riot Service, and they are playing an all ages show in Ottawa on November 30th at the End Hits record store at 407 Dalhousie St., one block East of the Rideau Centre between Rideau and Besserer.

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