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Meet Dr. George Stroumboulopoulos


I guess you could call it a Strombo Convo. The University of Calgary gave George an honourary doctorate of law yesterday. In his acceptance speech he said his mother always prayed that he do two things. One, get a university degree, and two, go to heaven. At least now he'll have one covered. Congrats George.

ps. Go to the After The Hour site to watch a video of the day's events.


Very Cool George...he was in my home town and I didn't even know it!


Congrats George! Too bad they couldn't have given you that degree 4 years ago at my graduation ceremony...and too bad I didn't hear about you being at the ceremony, otherwise, I would have attended!

As one of the people who "worked for" the degree I received on Tuesday at the ceremony (George's words, not mine), I can conclusively say this: Best honorary degree recipient speech ever!

Out of curiosity, did George's name manage to fit on the diploma? ;-)

I kid, I kid. Congrats!

Here's to George, a Doctor of Law, and here's to everyone getting the Doctor jokes out of their systems in the next few days so the man can get on with a normal life. As normal a life as George can have, that is.

Great speech yesterday. I attended the graduation and your words were amazing. If only all the speakers were that interesting. I can only hope a speaker as good as you will be at my graduation. Congratulations Dr. Stroumboulopoulos

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