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Mixtape Memories

Mana e-mailed us a this cool story about how punk rock tapes used to pass from hand to hand in Sault Ste. Marie:

"I just had a comment about the Operation Disc Drop idea. I found it amusing that it's now progressed to CDs since i've been doing that very same idea but with mixed tapes. I started back when I was 14 or so in the punk scene trying to get more kids in the area interested/aware of other music than what was broadcasted on our radio stations here. It's a small community and I figured eventually it would get into the right hands - and it did - several times I'd hear about someone finding a tape and passing it on. eventually other kids started doing it too. I remember I found a sweet mix of black flag, dead kennedys, the blitz, cock sparrer and old danzig misfits stuff, once. It definitely made my month. At any rate - it's nice to see people are still interested in mixed anything (although I'm a purist who still loves the mix-tape. nothing beats a classic) & hopefully others will listen and start partaking in the action. I'll let you know if I find any in my local bus shelters. - mana."

Thanks, Mana!

Got a great story about mixed tapes or discs? Post it in the comments here.


My older brother about 20 years ago while attending a Huey Lewis and the News concert (I think) at Castle Farms in Charlevoix, Michigan returned to his vehicle and discovered that some one had broken in. The individual was obviously hungry because the only thing they took was his leftover KFC. As payment, a mixed tape was left on the front seat. My brother claims it was a pretty good mix and was not at all upset by the incident.

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