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November 16, 2008

Operation Disc Drop - How it Works

There's nothing more satisfying than sharing the joy of music. Disc Drop is your chance to turn a total stranger on to the tunes that changed your life. Who knows? Maybe you'll change some-one else's life while you're at it.

STEP 1: Make a mixed CD of your favourite tunes. Somewhere on the disc write: "DISC DROP - cbc.ca/thehour"
Be sure to include a track-listing so people can track down more music by the artists on your disc.
STEP 2: Drop off your disc in a random public place.
STEP 3: Go to the "I Dropped a Disc - What Now", click on the comments, and write down where you dropped off your disc and the track-listing. Check back later to find out who picked it up, and where it's heading next.

I Dropped a Disc - What Now?

Great. You've burned a disc with all the tracks you want to share with the world and dropped it in public place, now comes the last step.

Click on the comments of this blog entry and leave a comment with your disc drop details. Write the address of where you left the disc (that'll help people find it), the track list, your name and when you left it.

I Found a Disc - What do I do?

Congratulations, you're the lucky recipient of a little CD lovin' courtesy of a mysterious stranger. Give it a listen, and open your mind to some new music. You might just find your new favourite band.

Now click on the comments section of this blog entry and let us know where you found it, what you think of the mix, and what you're going to do with it next.

Might we suggest you make a mix yourself, and do a little Operation Disc Drop of your own?

November 15, 2008

Where are the Discs?

The discs are literally scattered across Canada and around the world. Check out this Google map mash up to try and find one.