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Oct 25, 2007

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A.J. Jacobs

A.J. Jacobs is the senior editor at Esquire magazine. Over a year ago he decided to follow the rules of the Bible to the letter. For example, the Bible says a man should refrain from trimming the edges of his beard.

So Jacobs didn't shave. His beard got caught in zippers, got food stuck in it, and he got a lot of attention from airport security. Apparently, it also made two little girls cry. But the beard is just the beginning.

Jacobs says there are more than 700 rules in the Bible. He followed as many as possible, as literally as possible.

He even stoned an adulterer. No, we're not kidding!

Jacobs wrote about it all in a book called 'The Year of Living Biblically.'

Chris Hedges

The former war stringer compares the Christian right to facism.
runs 9:44

God Is Not Great?

Author Christopher Hitchens discusses his controversial new book.
runs 11:27

Richard Dawkins

He's launching a call to arms to fight religion in politics and schools.
runs 12:55

Jesus Camp

This Oscar nominated doc will change the way you look at religion.
runs 8:59

Individuals like A.J. Jacobs obviously make for interesting television, however, ripping the Bible from its historical context without any comprehension of the Biblical narrative in a theological sense makes no sense at all. The ceremonial, dietary and moral laws as were given by God to the nation of Israel were meant to communicate certain things to the people of Israel, about the people of Israel and about God himself.
For example, painting the doorpost of your house with lambs blood today, would make no sense at all, however, placed within the historical context of the Exodus account, God was communicating that in the future, another lamb, (Jesus) would die and with his blood purchase people out of bondage (sin). All those who would receive and accept Christ's death with a glad heart (doorpost) would not die. All those who did not receive Christ's sacrifice would be eventually condemned.
The Bible is a progressive revelation filled with deep meaning - not a random collection of stories filled with bizarre practices and rituals. I ask you, where are the credible intellectuals on your show, such as Ravi Zacharias, Os Guinness, Hank Hanegraaff, R.C. Sproul etc. Furthermore on the topic of science and God where are other credentialed idividuals, such as Philip Johnson, Steven C. Meyer, Michael Behe and others? Respectfully,
11/15/2007 8:09:15 PM George

Hi,  I love your show, loved that you had AJ. Jacobs on, he was great! Although I'm a follower of christ, and didnt agree with everything that was said.  I like that you have people on your show that think about what they beleive, and why
the beleive it.  And throw out questions that make us all question.  Blessings
11/14/2007 2:54:22 PM Ryan

I watched your program last night regarding AJ Jacobs.  Though I thank you for bringing him on, he missed an entire part of the bible, called the new testiment.  In his attempt to live as a christian, he forgot one key element and that is that God is personal.  God is all loving, all powerful and able to forgive.  You George, also had some interesting questions regarding the sabath.
10/26/2007 9:19:52 AM


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