Hello. The Strombo Show is back on the radio tonight. You can listen to us live between 9:00 and 11:00 PM ET tonight (Sunday). Listen online here You can reach us at 1-866-866-7387 AND follow along on my Myspace page.

If you feel like doing it the traditional way... You can in....
Toronto on CFRB 1010 AM
Montreal on CJAD 800 AM

Tonight we're giving out free advice. Call in and play along. You can also email us at


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Hey. How are you? I'm in Calgary this weekend speaking at a couple of schools... God help 'em eh... At any rate... I spend a lot of time in this world talking about music... which makes me happier than anything... so, as they say, the tradition continues... The woman at the bottom right of this site... the one in the pink dress and the perfect smirk.. is Serena Ryder... click on her picture to find out more......

The band pictured above is one my favourite rocking bands in this country.. they are from Winnipeg, Manitoba. They're called Propagandhi and they just won an award... keep reading to find out more...



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BONO on the Red Manifesto...

Sometimes when I’m walking down the street a passer by will say “love your work on Africa Bono, great cause.” Sometimes, they wish they hadn’t. I’m Irish, I love to talk to strangers. I love to talk about Africa. It can be hard to get away ... Each time it makes me think we need to do much more to get the message across that this is not a ‘cause,’ this pandemic that we and so many others are working on. 5,500 Africans dying a day of AIDS, a preventable, treatable disease is not a cause. 5,500 Africans dying each day is an emergency.

Enter Product (RED). Red is a new idea we’re launching to work alongside the growing ONE Campaign to Make Poverty History. Over the past year, almost 2 million Americans have joined ONE, in churches and chatrooms ... on soccer pitches and movie sets ... at NASCAR races and rock concerts. By 2008, we’re aiming to have 5 million members – that’s more than the National Rifle Association. Just think for a moment of what that kind of political firepower could achieve for the poorest of the poor...

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I saw the new Martin Scorcese film, The Departed over the weekend.
I loved it. Smart, funny, over-the-line script. It'll offend the easily offended, but such is life. Here's the Rotten Tomato review...

DiCaprio is the next DeNiro, Scorcese is the next Scorcese and Jack Nicholson deserves an Oscar nod... However it is by no means an original idea.

SO, ifyou are like me and you like reading about the movie business...Then you'll wanna check out Cinema Strikes Back

Here's one entry on The Departed...

Weinstein Co. owns the rights to “Infernal Affairs 1-3.” Warner Bros. owns the North American remake rights for “Infernal Affairs 1-3” ( Brad Pitt’s production company Plan B is producing these. Martin Scorsese has publicly stated he did not watch the original “Infernal Affairs“, (available on DVD here) before making “The Departed” and it didn’t seem like he was in a hurry to watch it any time soon. Many people viewed this as a slight on the originals.

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Here's Alex in the Strombo Show studios in downtown Toronto.
Can you tell that he is super jacked to be here :-)

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