Dragon's Den
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Launching a business is no small task. No matter how big an idea you think you have, it still takes a lot of work and a ton of cash. Enter the Dragons' Den, where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their business concepts and products to a panel of Canadian business moguls who have the cash and the know-how make it happen. They've all been there themselves, so you better not walk into the Den unprepared. It takes more than passion to convince these boardroom giants that your idea is worth their attention. The Dragons are ruthless and rightly so – it's their own personal money on the line.

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Dianne Buckner is an incredibly versatile presenter and producer who has hosted programs on both of Canada's major networks, from national newscasts to quirky magazine shows. Dragons' Den is her first experience with a show that can change people's lives.

"It's extremely suspenseful," says Buckner, "Never knowing whether someone is going to walk out of the Den in tears, or jumping for joy."

Dianne is best known to television viewers as the host of Canada's most popular business program, Venture. The show has won countless Canadian and international awards for its fly-on-the-wall style of storytelling, taking viewers inside the lives of entrepreneurs. In her role as both executive producer and host of the program, Dianne has a unique perspective on the type of people who are willing to enter the Dragons' Den.

In demand on the speakers' circuit, Dianne's assignments have taken her to Australia, Japan, the Netherlands and Iceland. Her interview subjects have ranged from super-investor Warren Buffett to celebrity CEO Jack Welch to Bernie Ebbers of WorldCom infamy.