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In the news: November 23

Little Mosque has "charming zing," plus, a light story and a not-so-light story.

  • The Detroit Free Press looks at this week's episode:
    The cheerful culture clash comedy about Muslims living in a small Canadian prairie town hasn't lost its charming zing as new episodes arrived this month. When a government agent (Samantha Bee, "The Daily Show") comes to Mercy to do a little fishing, ever vigilant Fatima (Arlene Duncan) suspects the agent's really there to fish for information while spying on members of the mosque. Hello, paranoia. Link
  • From BBC News, Does Islam have a sense of humour?
    There's nothing better than having a laugh. I love going to see comedy, but people seem to have this impression that Muslims and comedy don't go together; that somehow we can't reconcile humour with our faith. Link
  • From the International Herald Tribune, Muslims should protest terrorism, Dutch author says
    Dutch author Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the target of death threats for her criticism of radical Islam, says Muslims must demonstrate their anger when terrorism is committed in the name of religion, just as they did last year when newspapers published cartoons of the Prophet. Link

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