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  November 2007

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2007 Canadian Housing Observer

CMHC's Contribution to the Government of Canada's Expenditure Review

As announced in the 2005 Federal Budget, departments and agencies have been asked to contribute funding to the Government's Expenditure Review exercise. CMHC has identified savings of $6 million in 2005/06 and $10 million per year thereafter through administration and program efficiencies in its Housing Programs.

Parliamentary appropriations fund CMHC's Housing Program expenditures in support of its assisted housing, housing research, information transfer programs, and export activities. Appropriations from Parliament also reimburse CMHC for administrative expenses related to these Housing Programs.

CMHC's contributions to the Government Expenditure Review will be sourced through efficiencies in program administration. They will have no impact on grants and contributions under CMHC's Housing Programs. The Federal Government's commitment to housing is not impacted through these expenditure reductions.

For further information on the 2005 Federal Budget, visit

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