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Employment, Immigration & Industry

Family Day

February 18th is Family Day.

Are you eligible for general holiday pay?



Alberta babies teach preschoolers about empathy in unique program.

Seeds of EmpathyFifteen Alberta babies are special ambassadors helping create a more caring and compassionate society.

Alberta increases protection for temporary foreign workers

Province steps up enforcement measures and opens two advisory offices

The Alberta government has set up two special advisory offices for temporary foreign workers and established a team of inspectors to help ensure they are being treated fairly in their workplaces.

Elections Alberta logo

Provincial election 2008

A provincial election has been called for March 3, 2008. Learn more.


January 23, 2008
DSI Mill Construction Ltd. sentenced $350,750 for worker's death
The Provincial Court of Alberta has ordered DSI Mill Construction Ltd. to pay $350,750 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act as a result of the death of a worker. more...

January 21, 2008
Province helps boost summer wages for students at not-for-profits
Alberta's not-for-profit organizations will have an easier time attracting workers this summer thanks to a wage subsidy increase from $6.05 to $7 per hour for successful applicants to the Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP). more...

January 18, 2008
Fitzgerald Construction sentenced $300,000 in worker's death
The Provincial Court of Alberta has ordered Fitzgerald Construction (2001) Inc. to pay a total penalty in the amount of $300,000 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act as a result of the death of one of its workers. more...

January 17, 2008
Alberta babies teach preschoolers about empathy in unique program
They don't know it yet but 15 Alberta babies are now special ambassadors with a mission of helping create a more caring and compassionate society. more...

January 11, 2008
Occupational Health and Safety fines in 2007 heftiest yet
Fines levied for contraventions of Alberta's Occupational Health and Safety Act reached their highest total ever in 2007, reflecting a growing intolerance of unsafe workplace practices. more...

January 11, 2008
December 2007 Labour Force Statistics
Alberta Labour Force Statistics, employment and unemployment rates for all provinces. more...

December 20, 2007
Alberta boosts efforts to recruit more registered nurses
The Alberta government is investing more than $5 million this year to assess more internationally-educated registered nurses and increase the number of registered nurses working in Alberta. more...

News Archive...
Created: 2006-07-12
Modified: 2008-02-06
Reviewed: 2006-06-30
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