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Owner of Mail Boxes Etc. puts her stamp on Whitehorse

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Katrina Russell wins BDC's Young Entrepreneur Award for Yukon

(Whitehorse, Yukon – October 17, 2006) In just four years, Katrina Russell, 33, owner of the Whitehorse Mail Boxes Etc. store, has built a flourishing, one-stop business service centre that is an integral part of the downtown business community.  For this achievement, she has earned BDC's Young Entrepreneur Award for Yukon and will be honoured tonight at a ceremony in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Katrina seized on the opportunity to return to her native Yukon  and fill a business void  when a mailbox location in Whitehorse shut down in 2002, leaving customers scrambling for service.  She stepped in by opening a Mail Boxes Etc.®. store, an independently owned and operated franchise, which provides clients with an alternative mailbox solution as well as various business management services such as printing and faxing, laminating,  photocopying, courier services, custom packaging, desktop publishing, and even notary services. 

The biggest challenge she faced, says Katrina, was getting the word out that Mail Boxes Etc.®.  is more than just a place to receive mail. Undaunted by a lean first year, she kept working to promote the store's services, meeting face-to-face with local business people to tell them about her business.  "It was probably the best thing I could have done because it put a face to a product and helped in building relationships," she explains.  As a result, her business began to expand; growing demand led her to hire in-store staff and purchase services on contract. 

Making the right impression
"Your store is a reflection of who you are," says Katrina, who works hard to make her customers' experience a positive one. "I want people to feel welcomed and appreciated, that they've been served well and their needs have been met."

Katrina is proud that she has created a viable, successful business that is part of the community.  She's a member of the Whitehorse Main Street Society, a group of local merchants who work to keep downtown Whitehorse active and vibrant.  "We want to make sure that downtown doesn't die as a result of development elsewhere," she points out. 

"Katrina stands out as a role model for young Canadian entrepreneurs," says BDC President and CEO Jean-René Halde. "She took a local need into consideration and built a thriving service business.  It's a pleasure to recognize her passion, drive and excellence with this award."

Katrina sums up her formula for realizing business success with a straightforward message for other young entrepreneurs: "Just keep plugging away, and your hard work will pay off." 

Recognition for young entrepreneurs
A major feature of Small Business Week, BDC's Young Entrepreneur Awards recognize the entrepreneurial spirit and business success of Canadians between the ages of 19 and 35. The winners – one from each province and territory –  are selected by a committee based on criteria including success, growth potential, innovation, participation in new economy activities and community involvement. The committee also considers export performance, the entrepreneur's age when the business was started and any special challenges overcome.

Small Business Week partners
National partners help make Small Business Week a success. Western Economic Diversification, WestJet, Rogers, Export and Development Canada, CFIB and Intuit Canada are official partners of the 2006 Small Business Week and Young Entrepreneur Awards. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been a privileged partner of the event since 1981. 

About BDC
BDC is a financial institution wholly owned by the Government of Canada. BDC actively supports the development and growth of Canadian small and medium-sized businesses through its complementary financial, investment and consulting solutions. BDC is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers for 2007.


For more information or to arrange for an interview on October 17:

Media Room:

After October 17:
Eva Boucher Hartling
Media Relations Manager

  Katrina Russell, Owner of Mail Boxes Etc.
Katrina Russell
Mail Boxes Etc.

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