Canadian Centre on Disability Studies -- research and education on issues that affect us allSkip navigation
Painting from Arts Ability project CCDS booth at conference Ukrainian project participants Henry Enns with Lloyd Axworthy Olga Krassioukova-Enns with Team Canada Ukrainian project participants learningUniversal Design Russian project participants at Univ. of Man. seminar 
Welcome to the

Canadian Centre on Disability Studies


CCDS Entrance at 56 The Promenade, Winnipeg, MBOur Mission

The Canadian Centre on Disability Studies is a consumer-directed, university affiliated centre dedicated to research, education and information dissemination on disability issues.

We are guided by the philosophies of independent living and community living, emphasizing human rights,  self-determination, interdependence, equality, a cross-disability focus, and full and valued participation of all citizens in the community.

The CCDS is committed to fostering a spirit of collaboration between the disability and academic communities, and along with the government and private sectors to work toward initiatives of mutual concern and benefit.  

Through our activities we promote full and equal participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society.

Warmest Wishes for the Holiday Season !

Holiday table setting with candles, pine cone and present Holiday clip art of candles, pine cones and wrapped present

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Canadian Centre on Disability Studies
56 The Promenade
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA R3B 3H9
Telephone: (204) 287-8411 Fax: (204) 284-5343
TTY: (204) 475-6223 Email:

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