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Latest Article Posted 2:18 PM EST 20/02/07


Inflation slows on energy, but core ticks higher

Consumer prices rise at 1.2-per-cent annual pace; core prices accelerated to 2.1 per cent in January

Afghan upper house seeks war-crimes amnesty

Karzai must now decide whether resolution condemned by UN, international rights groups becomes law

Corn cobs may unlock key to natural gas cars

Researchers have turned corn waste into carbon briquettes that can store gas in unprecedented densities that may encourage mass-market natural gas automobiles

Globe writer Michael Valpy

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Anglicans & gays

Globe's Michael Valpy is taking questions

St. Basil's Church

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7 New Wonders Popup

21 sites worldwide are in the running for the title.


Talks to resume after CN Rail strike is ruled legal

Negotiators were set to resume bargaining Tuesday in a bid to end the 10-day-old strike

Shaw to resume contributions to television fund

CEO Jim Shaw says the cable company's concerns will be addressed

U.S. Supreme Court throws out huge tobacco verdict

Decision to reject $79.5-million award to smoker's widow limits breadth of damages without ruling on whether size was excessive

Satellite radio tries singing a new tune

XM Satellite Radio, Sirius Satellite Radio will fast-track production of receivers capable of receiving both services if proposed merger is allowed by U.S. regulators

After shying away, Americans return to Canada

Same-day car travel from the U.S. falls to a record low in 2006, but American visits pick up for second straight month in December


U.S. farm group has new beef with Canada

Cows entering United States without proper identification tags, Washington cattle producers complain

Gates, Harper move to boost HIV research

Government committing $111-million, Gates foundation $28-million to improve fight against killer disease

Heroes from the sky

Alone, drifting on an ice floe in the Arctic dark, hunter Billy Wolki was facing the possibility of a slow, cold death. Then came ...


Despite attack, peace process forges on

Indian police release sketches of 2 suspects in India-Pakistan train bombing

Appeal court backs U.S. government on Guantanamo

Detainees have no access to U.S. courts to argue that military illegally holding foreigners

Iran remains defiant on eve of UN deadline

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says country will only stop its uranium enrichment program if West does the same

Powerful earthquake rattles northeastern Indonesia

Panicked residents flee shaking buildings; briefly triggers a tsunami warning


DNA 'bar-codes' help find new species

Canadian scientists have helped create a ‘bar-coding' system for DNA which has already identified 21 ‘overlooked' species

Rocket launches on mission to study northern lights

Five satellites ride single rocket with goal of determining source of powerful geomagnetic substorms in Earth's atmosphere


Breast cancer care adding to stress, study says

Women with cancer are being left to negotiate confusing and unco-ordinated treatment processes that they say should be changed

Less TV, more supervision urged to curb problem children

Vanier Institute review of various studies spreads blame widely for rise in behavioural troubles


Nortel's crown jewel of R&D not likely to escape job cuts

Observers warn the company must tread carefully or future could be put at risk

Rapid growth seen as key to CGI survival

CEO looks to overseas expansion in battle against industry titans like IBM, Accenture

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Huet will miss the rest of the regular season

Injured Habs netminder aims for post-season return; Begin at least 10 days with a broken bone in his right foot

Bruins still eyeing playoff spot

Boston knows the importance of tonight's game in the Eastern Conference race, reports Tim Wharnsby in his gameday update

Canadian teams at the deadline

A look at possible moves available to our six NHL teams

Duhatschek's blog: Oilers look like sellers

But Lowe isn't ready to throw in the towel just yet


Awash in Oscar glory

After enduring burning sets, death threats and violent protests, Deepa Mehta drinks in the success of her film

How Hollywood thwarted actors' deal

Hollywood studio reps have been focused on not setting any precedent on new-media pay or residuals ahead of their own U.S. negotiations

Jacques Villeneuve trades steering wheel for guitar

Racing driver pays tribute to his late father on new CD

National Ballet founder dies at 85

Celia Franca remembered as company's presiding spirit, most stalwart supporter and embodiment of its ideals


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