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in_focus collection

in_focus collection: International Development Research Centre

The in_focus collection presents special thematic Web sites on selected IDRC activities. Each tackles a pressing issue in sustainable international development. IDRC's experience is distilled and organized in such as way as to draw out important lessons, observations, and recommendations for decision-makers and policy advisors.

Topic Explorer
  • Water: Local-level Management
    Some of the most powerful responses to water scarcities have been mounted at the community or local level. These are presented in this special dossier on IDRC-supported research.


Local Learning for Poverty Reduction
Stephen R. Tyler
This book draws on more than a decade of research across the developing world and presents case studies from Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Ecuador, Lebanon, and Viet Nam. A key message to resource managers, policymakers, researchers, and development practitioners is that proposed solutions to NRM problems will be effective and lasting only if driven by the knowledge, action, and learning of local users.

in_focus: FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMS Don de Savigny, Harun Kasale, Conrad Mbuya, and Graham Reid
In 1993, the World Development Report suggested that mortality rates could be significantly reduced if resources were directed more in line with local “burden of disease.” The Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP) was founded to test this idea. After a decade of research and experience, the verdict is in: the idea is solid, and has produced some remarkable results. Two districts in Tanzania, for example, have seen child mortality rates fall by more than 40%.

Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Development
Luc J.A. Mougeot
This book serves as a focal point for an IDRC thematic Web site on urban agriculture: The full text is available online and leads the reader into a virtual web of resources that explores two decades of research into this important issue.


Bill Carman

Added: 2003-07-03 9:59
Modified: 2007-10-19 14:42
Refreshed:2007-11-10 21:53

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