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Newsletter Article Listing - By Volume (PDF format)

PDF icon Vol 6 - No 2 (Winter/Spring 2006)


  1. FEATURE: Youth Nishnawbe Aski Nation:
  2. Ontario Aboriginal Sports Circle: Good Medicine 2
  3. Native Child and Family Services of Toronto: The Native Learning Centre 4
  4. Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health: Cyber Café 5
  5. Lead Your Way 6
  6. COMMUNITY PROFILES: Niwasa A Recipe for Success 8-10.
  7. Mid-Winter Festival at Tyendinaga 10
  9. SAGE WORDS: Gus Hill 12

PDF icon Vol 6 - No 1 (Winter/Spring 2005)


  1. FEATURE: Diabetes 1-6
  2. Sandy Lake and Kahnawake: Working with Future Generations 1
  3. Wabano: Walking in Balance 4
  4. Gestational Diabetes 5
  5. Ontario Aboriginal Diabetes Strategy 6
  6. AHWS Receives $25 Million Over Next Five Years 7
  7. First Annual AHWS Ministers and Leaders Meeting 7
  8. New Goverment Co-Chair 7
  9. Staff Changes 8
  10. AHWS Research and Evaluation Activities 8
  11. Revised AHWS Mandate 9
  12. Temagami Shelter 10
  13. Mae Katt 11
  14. Sage Words: Jan Kahehti:io Longboat 12

PDF icon Vol 5 - No 2 (10th Anniversary Edition, 2004)


  1. Ten Years of Healing and Wellness 1
  2. What’s in a logo? 2
  3. Healing Continuum Framework 3
  4. AWHS Friends Remember 4
  5. Nishnawbe Aski Nation 7
  6. Three Fires Ezhignowenmindwaa Women’s Shelter 8
  7. Kii-kee-wan-nii-kaan Healing Lodge 9
  8. Gizhewaadiziwin 10
  9. ONWA Learning Lodge 11
  10. Ontario Métis Aboriginal Association 12
  11. Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres 13
  12. Tsi Non:we Ionnakeratstha’ Ona:grahsta’
  13. Maternal and Child Centre 14
  14. Shawanaga First Nation 15
  15. Sage Words 16

    PDF icon Vol 5 - No 1 (Spring/Summer 2003)


    1. FEATURE: Men’s Healing 1–5
    2. Za-geh-do-win 4
    3. AHWS Makes A Difference 5
    4. From the Ontario Native Women’s Restorative Justice Program 6
    5. Community Consultations 6
    6. Performance Measures Plan 7
    7. Call for 10th Anniversary Submissions 7
    8. Sage Words 8

    PDF icon Vol 4 - No 3 (Fall/Winter 2002/2003)


    1. FEATURE: Healing through the Arts 1-4
    2. Cat Lake Wilderness Program 5
    3. Parry Sound Friendship Centre 6
    4. Za-geh-do-win 6
    5. Ontario Aboriginal Health Advocacy Initiative 7
    6. AHWS General Information 7
    7. Call for Submissions 8
    8. Sage Words 8

    PDF icon Vol 4 - No 2 (Spring/Summer 2002)


    1. FEATURE: Healthy Eating and Nutrition 1-4
    2. AHWS General Information 4-5
    3. The Logo and The Artist 6
    4. OMAA Community Health Outreach 6
    5. Métis Nation of Ontario AHWS
    6. Programs 7
    7. Call for Submissions 7
    8. Sage Words 8

    PDF icon Vol 4 - No 1 (Fall 2001)


    1. FEATURE: Aboriginal Healthy Babies
    2. Healthy Children 1-3
    3. AWHS General Information 4
    4. Community Information Sessions 5
    5. For the Kids 2001 6
    6. Research and Development 7
    7. Sage Words 8
    8. Call for Submissions 8

    PDF icon Vol 3 - No 1 (April 2000)


    1. JMC Aboriginal Co-Chair Garnet Angeconeb says Good-Bye, Others Say Hello
    2. Manager Of The Aboriginal Healing & Wellness Strategy
    3. AHWS Updates Project Payment Cycle
    4. JMC approves Performance Measures Plan
    5. Longitudinal (Long-Term) Study Of AHWS Is Groundbreaking
    6. New AHWS “Strategic Training Plan 2000 - 2002”
    7. Aboriginal Patient Advocacy Conference
    8. Community Services Fund

    PDF icon Vol 2 - No 5 (March 2000)

    PDF icon Vol 2 - No 4 (August 1999)


    1. JMC Welcomes New Aboriginal Co-Chair
    2. AHWS Developing Performance Measures
    3. Re-design of the On-going Training Fund Strategy
    4. Report on Aboriginal Repatriation Initiates Consultations
    5. The Best Of Both Worlds
    6. Twelve Projects Funded For Five Years
    7. The Justice Kit Earns Favourable Reviews
    8. Changes At AHWS

    PDF icon Vol 2 - No 3 (February 1999)


    1. Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy Prepares to enter the next millennium
    2. Aboriginal communities affected by the AHWS
    3. Kii-kee-wan-nii-kaan celebrates
    4. Health care registration tour targets remote communities
    5. AHWS has new Program Consultant
    6. Implementing a Community Healing Model
    7. AHWS on the Internet

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    This page was last updated on March 30, 2007.

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