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Welcome to Legal Aid Alberta!

Welcome to the new face of Legal Aid Alberta on the web! This site has been redesigned and restructured to provide you with up-to-date, easy to access information about Legal Aid Alberta and its programs and services. Whether you are a client, applicant, lawyer, or member of the community, it is our hope that this site will provide you with all the information you need about legal aid in Alberta.

As part of an ongoing plan to effectively communicate with our stakeholders, this site will continue to evolve, becoming more interactive and providing further information to best meet the needs of you, the user. If you have any comments or questions about the new website please contact the Legal Aid Alberta webmaster at

What's New

Red Deer Office Relocation

The Red Deer regional office of Legal Aid Alberta is relocating.  The office will be closed on Monday, December 11th and Tuesday, December 12th, re-opening in full operation on Wednesday, December 13th.

The new office is located at:

#110 Millennium Centre
4909 49 Street
Red Deer, AB  T4N 1V1

Telephone and fax numbers will remain the same.

Albertans Show Overwhelming Support For Legal Aid

"A recent public opinion poll has revealed that there is widespread support for legal aid service in Alberta.  An overwhelming 96% of Alberta residents polled support legal aid services, with a strong agreement that legal aid should be given the same funding priority as other social services..."

To read more: November 22, 2006 "Albertans Show Overwhelming Support for Legal Aid"  For this and other news please visit the News & Media Section.

Notice to Roster Lawyers:

Due to a computer application conversion, the online lawyer account service will be UNAVAILABLE until early December.  Please check back with the website again for a confirmed date.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  Should you have any questions, please call the Legal Aid Alberta Help Desk at (780) 427-2182.

Immediate Investment in Legal Aid Needed

"Justice and equality will soon be nothing more than words in a dictionary instead of a way of life for thousands of low-income Canadians who find themselves before the courts. The federal government is being urged to commit to long term, stable and adequate legal aid funding in order to avoid stripping away the legal rights of the poor..."

To read more: October 12, 2006 "Immediate Investment in Legal Aid Needed   or visit the News & Media section.






Alberta Law Line 

Are you not sure where to get started?

Alberta Law Line provides callers with:

  • Legal information
  • Referrals
  • Legal Advice based on eligibility

Visit the Alberta Law Line