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CMHC for Consumers December 2007

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Step through the Life-Cycle of your home

City of Windsor

Immigrant's storyOne Immigrant’s Story

Our family of four came to Canada in August of 1999 from Bosnia and Herzegovina and within months we were connected to major Windsor arteries. This was possible because of good people who live in this city. On the third day in Canada we were "adopted" by a Canadian family who wanted to help an immigrant family settle down. They helped us open the bank accounts, get the phone and hydro connected, acquire bus passes, language instruction and even assisted in  looking for a job.

With this kind of wind in our wings, it was no problem to find the way to where each member of my family wanted to go. This meant going to University for me, and finding a job for the rest of my family. Canadian hospitality could be felt right away. Multiculturalism in action so to speak. Asking for directions or assistance of any kind was a pleasurable experience as people of Windsor did it with a smile and patience.

Seven years later, this family of four is now three separate families with seven members and six jobs as my one-year old daughter is too young to work.

For this reason, and the fact that Windsor is the most southern and warmest city in Canada, it never occurred to me to think about moving elsewhere. Windsor is mine and I am hers.

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