
For immediate release
August 2, 2007

International Upper Great Lakes Public Interest Advisory Group (PIAG) Begins its work

Ottawa / Washington - The International Joint Commission is pleased to announce that its International Upper Great Lakes Study (IUGLS) Public interest Advisory Group (PIAG) began its work with its first meeting on July 31 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Drawing primarily on Great Lakes region residents, the PIAG will advise and assist the International Upper Great Lakes Study Board in ensuring that the public interest is given due consideration as the Study proceeds. The U.S. and Canadian Co-Chairs, Kay Felt and Jim Bruce respectively, also serve as full members of the Study Board. Members of the PIAG do not represent their organizations or geographic areas, but serve in their personal and professional capacities in the interests of the people of both countries.

The IJC has regulated Lake Superior outflows since 1914 when it approved the construction of works in the St. Marys River that enabled the development of hydroelectric power plants in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario between Lake Superior and Lake Huron. Since that time, the IJC has had a control board oversee compliance with the order.

The five-year International Upper Great Lakes Study will seek to determine whether the regulation of Lake Superior outflows pursuant to the order and plan can be improved to address the evolving needs of users on Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan and Erie. Physical changes in the St. Clair River, which forms part of the connecting channel between Lake Huron and Lake Erie, will be investigated early in the study as one factor that might be affecting water levels and flows. Depending on the nature and extent of the physical changes, and their potential impact on water levels and flows, the study may also explore potential remediation options.

A list of the appointees to the Public Interest Advisory Group and its supporting staff is attached.


Frank Bevacqua: Washington 202-736-9024
Greg McGillis: Ottawa 613-947-1420

The Internatiatonal Joint Commission was established by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 to prevent and resolve disputes over the use of waters shared by the United States and Canada. Its responsibilities include approving the construction and operation of certain projects that change the natural levels and flows of boundary waters to ensure compliance with the terms of the treaty. More information about the IJC and its Study Board, including biographical information for Study Board members, is available online at:

Member Affiliation Nationality
Mr. Jim Bruce PIAG Co-Chair Canadian
Mrs. Kay Felt PIAG Co-Chair U.S.
Mr. Jim Anderson Ducks Unlimited Canadian
Mr. Doug Cuddy Lake Superior Conservancy and Watershed Council Canadian
Mr. Dick Hibma Conservation Ontario Canadian
Mr. Kenneth Higgs Private Citizen Canadian
Mr. Bill Hryb The Shipping Federation of Canada Canadian
Mr. John Jackson Great Lakes United Canadian
Mr. Don Marles Lake Superior Advisory Committee Canadian
Mrs. Mary Muter Georgian Bay Association Canadian
Mr. Roger J. Smithe International Great Lakes Coalition U.S.
Dr. Alan Steinman Grand Valley State University U.S.
Mr. Dan Tadgerson Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa U.S.
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