
Trenval Business Development Corporation has been helping small business in the Trenval region since 1987 and has invested more than $13 million in small businesses and created more than 3,000 jobs through loans, advisory services and the Self-Employment Benefit Program in coordination with Service Canada


Trenval Business Development Corporation is a federally supported, not-for-profit Community Futures Development Corporation, administered by a volunteer Board of Directors in partnership with Industry Canada to help develop and diversify the local economy through community strategic planning, business information, counselling and investment in small business.

The mandate of the Trenval Business Development Corporation is as follows:

  • To support the creation of additional permanent private sector employment through the provision of advisory and investment services to small business.
  • To assist in the establishment of new small business.
  • To assist in the expansion of existing business.
  • To act as a catalyst between business and other community organizations with the intention of developing an economic climate in the Trenval area conducive to job creation.
  • To promote economic growth throughout the areas serviced by the Trenval Business Development Corporation.

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Site last updated: December 6, 2005
Copyright © 2006 Trenval Business Development Corporation