For Producers


The Horticulture Section of AAFC's Food Value Chain Bureau is engaged in ongoing research and analysis of the sector, including economic factors and conditions, and policy, program and other strategic issues affecting the productivity and competitiveness of Canadian Horticulture. Access to some of that research and analysis is provided via this site, as well as links to relevant statistical and trade information from AAFC and other sources.

Additionally, the Horticulture Section provides Markets Information through InfoHort, which offers current storage and price reporting on a wide range of commodities in key Canadian markets to support decision-making by the sector, and within government.

The Horticulture Section also works with industry to develop common action plans on strategic and operational issues relevant to the sector, such as marketing and regulations, through fora such as the Horticulture Value Chain Roundtable, and in collaboration with sector associations.

Sector Overview

Sub-Sector Profiles

Commodity Profiles

To find out more, please contact us.