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 Parliament of Canada
Term (yyyy.mm.dd): 1968.09.12 - 1972.09.01
Duration: 1450 days (3 years, 11 months, 20 days)
Government Type:Majority Government
Government Party: Liberal Party of Canada
Number of Sessions:4
Date of General Election: 1968.06.25
Prime Minister:
Leader of the Official Opposition:
Date of First Budget: October 22, 1968
Number of Days Between General Election and First Budget: 119 Days
Number of Days Between Opening of Parliament and First Budget: 40 Days

House of Commons Debates:
pp. 1998-2011
Date: 1972.05.08

Type of Budget: Budget
Minister of Finance: Turner, John Napier

Did not wear new shoes;

House of Commons Debates:
pp. 8688-90
Date: 1971.10.14

Type of Budget: Mini-Budget
Minister of Finance: Benson, Edgar John
House of Commons Debates:
pp. 6892-908
Date: 1971.06.18

Type of Budget: Budget
Minister of Finance: Benson, Edgar John

Did not wear new shoes;

House of Commons Debates:
pp. 1738-45
Date: 1970.12.03

Type of Budget: Interim-Budget
Minister of Finance: Benson, Edgar John
House of Commons Debates:
pp. 4740-9
Date: 1970.03.12

Type of Budget: Budget
Minister of Finance: Benson, Edgar John

Did not wear new shoes;

House of Commons Debates:
pp. 9413-24
Date: 1969.06.03

Type of Budget: Budget
Minister of Finance: Benson, Edgar John

Did not wear new shoes;

House of Commons Debates:
pp. 1677-94
Date: 1968.10.22

Type of Budget: Budget
Minister of Finance: Benson, Edgar John

Did not wear new shoes;


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