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 Parliament of Canada
Term (yyyy.mm.dd): 1973.01.04 - 1974.05.09
Duration: 490 days (1 year, 4 months, 5 days)
Government Type:Minority Government
Government Party: Liberal Party of Canada
Number of Sessions:2
Date of General Election: 1972.10.30
Prime Minister:
Leader of the Official Opposition:
Appointments to the Senate
Liberal Party of Canada (7)

NameProvince / TerritoryDate of Appointment
Barrow, Augustus Irvine Nova Scotia 1974.05.08
Cottreau, Ernest G. Nova Scotia 1974.05.08
Godfrey, John Morrow Ontario 1973.10.05
Perrault, Raymond Joseph British Columbia 1973.10.05
Riel, Maurice Quebec 1973.10.05
Riley, Daniel Aloysius New Brunswick 1973.12.21
Robichaud, Louis Joseph New Brunswick 1973.12.21

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