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 Parliament of Canada
TURNER, The Right Hon. John Napier, P.C., C.C., Q.C., M.A., LL.D.
Picture of TURNER, The Right Hon. John Napier, P.C., C.C., Q.C., M.A., LL.D.

Source: Courtesy of Al Gilbert, photographer.
Date of Birth (yyyy.mm.dd): 1929.06.07
Place of Birth: Richmond, Surrey, England
Occupation: Lawyer
Political Affiliation:
Party Leader:
Federal Political Experience
Years of Service: 8326 Days (22 years, 9 months, 17 days)
^ House of Commons
ConstituencyDate of Election (yyyy.mm.dd)Result
Vancouver Quadra, British Columbia 1988.11.21 Elected
Vancouver Quadra, British Columbia 1984.09.04 Elected
Ottawa--Carleton, Ontario 1974.07.08 Elected
Ottawa--Carleton, Ontario 1972.10.30 Elected
Ottawa--Carleton, Ontario 1968.06.25 Elected
St. Lawrence--St. George, Quebec 1965.11.08 Elected
St. Lawrence--St. George, Quebec 1963.04.08 Elected
St. Lawrence--St. George, Quebec 1962.06.18 Elected
^ Caucus
PartyTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Liberal Party of Canada 1984.11.05 - 1993.09.08
Liberal Party of Canada 1962.09.27 - 1976.02.12
^ Parliamentary Functions
Prime Minister of Canada

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Prime Minister 1984.06.30 - 1984.09.16


PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Minister of Finance 1972.01.28 - 1975.09.09
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 1968.07.06 - 1972.01.27
Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs 1968.04.20 - 1968.07.05
Solicitor General of Canada 1968.04.20 - 1968.07.05
Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs 1967.12.21 - 1968.04.19
Registrar General of Canada 1967.04.04 - 1967.12.20
Minister Without Portfolio 1965.12.18 - 1967.04.03

Leader of the Official Opposition

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Leader of the Official Opposition 1984.09.17 - 1990.02.07

Parliamentary Secretary

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources 1963.05.14 - 1965.09.08


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