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 Parliament of Canada
CLARK, The Right Hon. Charles Joseph (Joe), P.C., C.C., A.O.E., B.A., M.A., LL.D.
Date of Birth (yyyy.mm.dd): 1939.06.05
Place of Birth: High River, Alberta, Canada
Occupation: Journalist, lecturer
Political Affiliation:
Party Leader:
Federal Political Experience
Years of Service: 9051 Days (24 years, 9 months, 12 days)
^ House of Commons
ConstituencyDate of Election (yyyy.mm.dd)Result
Calgary Centre, Alberta 2000.11.27 Elected
Kings--Hants, Nova Scotia 2000.09.11 Elected
Yellowhead, Alberta 1988.11.21 Elected
Yellowhead, Alberta 1984.09.04 Elected
Yellowhead, Alberta 1980.02.18 Elected
Yellowhead, Alberta 1979.05.22 Elected
Rocky Mountain, Alberta 1974.07.08 Elected
Rocky Mountain, Alberta 1972.10.30 Elected
^ Caucus
PartyTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Progressive Conservative Party 2000.09.19 - 2004.02.01
Progressive Conservative Party 1973.01.04 - 1993.09.08
^ Parliamentary Functions
Prime Minister of Canada

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Prime Minister 1979.06.04 - 1980.03.02


PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Minister responsible for Constitutional Affairs 1991.04.21 - 1993.06.24
President of the Privy Council 1991.04.21 - 1993.06.24
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada (Acting) 1988.12.08 - 1989.01.29
Minister of National Defence (Acting) 1985.02.13 - 1985.02.26
Secretary of State for External Affairs 1984.09.17 - 1991.04.20

Leader of the Official Opposition

PortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Leader of the Official Opposition 1980.03.03 - 1983.02.01
Leader of the Official Opposition 1976.02.22 - 1979.06.03


Area of ResponsibilityTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Estimates 2003.09.10 - 2004.02.01
Government Operations 2003.09.10 - 2004.02.01
Prime Minister 1997.06.02 - 2003.05.30

^ Committees - House of Commons

Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 30th Parl., 4th Session
(1978.10.11 - 1979.03.26)
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 30th Parl., 3rd Session
(1977.10.18 - 1978.10.10)
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 30th Parl., 2nd Session
(1976.10.12 - 1977.10.17)
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 30th Parl., 1st Session
(1974.09.30 - 1976.10.12)
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 30th Parl., 1st Session
(1974.09.30 - 1976.10.12)
Standing Committee on Broadcasting, Films and Assistance to the Arts 29th Parl., 2nd Session
(1974.02.27 - 1974.05.09)
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 29th Parl., 2nd Session
(1974.02.27 - 1974.05.09)
Standing Committee on Broadcasting, Films and Assistance to the Arts 29th Parl., 1st Session
(1973.01.04 - 1974.02.26)
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development 29th Parl., 1st Session
(1973.01.04 - 1974.02.26)
Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs 29th Parl., 1st Session
(1973.01.04 - 1974.02.26)
Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections 29th Parl., 1st Session
(1973.01.04 - 1974.02.26)
^ Committees - Joint

Standing Joint Committee on Regulations and other Statutory Instruments 29th Parl., 2nd Session
Standing Joint Committee on Regulations and other Statutory Instruments 29th Parl., 1st Session

©Members photographs. The House of Commons holds the copyright on official photographs of Members, including those reproduced in composite photographs. Reproduction of the images is for non-commercial use only and images must be credited as House of Commons, following receipt of written permission. ^

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