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What causes mental illness and what are some ways to cope with it?

In the past experts have tried to identify a single cause for mental illness. However, it is now widely accepted that there is no single cause and that there are several different factors which can contribute to mental illness, either alone or in combination.

Mental illnesses are:

  • biological - linked with disturbances in the brain or other body-system chemistry
  • psychological - linked with disturbances in thought or emotion
  • social - linked with life events and stresses.

Mental health professionals look at all three areas of a person's life when they design a plan for treating the illness.

Biological factors that may affect whether someone becomes mentally ill include:

  • pre-natal damage
  • physical trauma
  • disease and infection
  • chemical imbalances in the brain.

Genetics may play a part too. Studies show that close relatives of someone with schizophrenia or an affective disorder are much more likely to have the same illness a non-relative. However, people don't inherit mental illnesses, they only inherit the tendency to develop them.

Psychological and social factors could include:

  • lack of support from relationships
  • child abuse
  • family violence
  • unemployment
  • major changes in life.

Protective Factors

There are also a number of protective factors which can lessen the effect of the factors that can help cause mental illness. People at risk of becoming mentally ill can prove to be very resilient to mental illness with the help of such factors as:

  • supportive relationships
  • self-esteem
  • stress management
  • emotional well-being
  • spiritual health.

Coping with mental illness

Just as there are different causes, there are also many ways to cope with mental illness.

Professional methods usually include medication, psychotherapy, or both at the same time. One approach that is becoming more popular is cognitive behavioural therapy. In this type of therapy, the therapist helps the person to look at his or her situation in a more helpful way while at the same time working to correct their unhealthy behaviours. There are also community support services to help people manage their lives. The areas these services can help with include:

  • housing
  • employment
  • income
  • recreation.

Non-professional methods are just as important. For example, the support of family and friends is very important for someone coping with mental illness. Another valuable resource is a self-help group where people in similar situations can share advice, help, and support.

Many people find that a combination of strategies is what helps most. This can include:

  • medication,
  • talk therapy, and
  • alternative approaches (like a balanced diet, exercise, yoga and meditation).

Last Modified Date: May 2005

Created for the Canadian Health Network by the Canadian Mental Health Association (National Office).