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Suicide Statistics in Alberta
Numbers, Rates, Methods, Ethnicity, and Month of Occurance

Suicide Statistics in Canada

Numbers, Rates, and Methods

If You or Someone You Know is Suicidal
The Suicide Information & Education Collection is a special library and resources centre providing information on suicide and suicidal behavior. We are not a crisis centre. If you are suicidal or concerned about someone...


Feature of the Month


Our Monthly feature on various suicide prevention topics. More...






SIEC Alert


Our quarterly quick reference guide to some of the newest resources in the field of suicide prevention, containing information on our most requested topics. More...


More Resources...


View all our resources available, including pamphlets, helpcards, links and more...

SIEC Catalogue   
The SIEC catalogue database is our library's collection on suicide and contains a detailed record for each resource in our collection. More Information...

Frequently Asked Questions   

A compiled list of Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.'s) related to Suicide, Suicide Prevention and about the Centre for Suicide Prevention. More Information...

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The Centre for Suicide Prevention is a program of the Canadian Mental Health Association.
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