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Location: Ministry Home > Road Safety > Impaired Driving

Impaired DrivingArrive alive, drive sober

Impaired driving, which means driving when your ability is affected by alcohol or drugs, is a crime and you can be convicted under the Criminal Code of Canada. As a result, you may lose your licence, be fined, or spend time in jail.

Drinking and driving is a deadly combination. One drink can reduce your ability to concentrate and react to things that happen suddenly when you are driving. The more alcohol in your blood, the more trouble you have judging distances, and your vision may become blurred.

Any drug that changes your mood, or the way you see and feel about the world around you, will affect the way you drive. Besides illegal drugs, some drugs that your doctor may prescribe for you and some over-the-counter drugs can also impair your driving.

Here are some points to remember:

Remember, fatigue and stress will also affect your driving.

Related links *

Back On Track, Ontario's Remedial Measures Program for Impaired Drivers an education and treatment program from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

* External Links Disclaimer

Last Modified: June 1, 2004