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Transport Canada - Road Safety

Review of Bus Safety Issues
TP 13330 E

Abstract & Index
Bus Data
Bus Safety – General
Passenger Protection
School Bus Passenger Protection
Summary of Transport Canada Bus Safety Programs
Terms of Reference

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Bus Data
  1. Through the National Task Force on Road Safety Data, Transport Canada leads an ongoing effort to establish the best possible national statistics on bus safety.
  2. Transport Canada maintains the National Collision Data Base (NCDB) which replaces the Traffic Accident Information Database (TRAID) and includes information on bus collisions.
  3. Statistics Canada is, on behalf of Transport Canada, establishing the "Canadian Vehicle Survey" designed to improve vehicle exposure data by vehicle class, including bus.
  4. Transport Canada collision investigation teams investigate serious bus collisions as a priority.
Bus Safety - General
  1. Transport Canada develops and enforces Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for new buses under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act.
  2. Through the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, Transport Canada supports development and enforcement of the National Safety Code for Motor Carriers.
  3. Transport Canada reports on motor carrier safety under the federal Motor Vehicle Transport Act.
  4. Transport Canada defect investigators identify safety defects and take steps with manufacturers to correct defects through the Motor Vehicle Safety Act Notice of Defect provisions.
  5. Bus operator associations participate in regular National Public Safety Organizations consultation meetings with Transport Canada.
Passenger Protection in Buses Other Than School Buses
  1. Transport Canada continually reviews its own and other agencies’ bus standards.
  2. The Department seeks to involve the many government, industry and user stakeholders in developing bus passenger safety regulatory policy.
  3. Transport Canada maintains, and supports provincial governments in maintaining, Canada/U.S. safety regulation harmony, particularly for buses that operate across borders.
  4. Officials represent Canada on the ECE committee on occupant restraints, which developed the referenced European bus passenger safety regulations.
  5. International standards are adopted where possible, when they meet safety needs and are consistent with Canadian regulatory policy.
School Bus Passenger Protection
  1. School buses are a Transport Canada priority for collision investigation. There are comprehensive reports on significant school bus crashes and summary reports at various intervals.
  2. Transport Canada reviews its dedicated school bus standards and those of other agencies, particularly the U.S. NHTSA which regulates comparable school bus operations.
  3. The Department participates on the long standing CSA D250 School Bus Committee which develops school bus standards and specifications that are adopted by many provinces.
  4. Transport Canada defect investigators and standards engineers examine every individual school bus safety question for possible solutions.
  5. School bus operator associations participate in regular National Public Safety Organizations consultation meetings with Transport Canada.
  6. Transport Canada produces, along with other governments and public interest groups, school bus public information programs.
  7. The Department participates with the U.S. in school bus passenger protection research and is planning involvement with the new program recently announced by NHTSA.

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