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Transport Canada - Road Safety

Review of Bus Safety Issues
TP 13330 E

Abstract & Index
Bus Data
Bus Safety – General
Passenger Protection
School Bus Passenger Protection
Summary of Transport Canada Bus Safety Programs
Terms of Reference

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An internal review of bus safety: issues, current policies and status of safety programs and information requirements to monitor issues and programs.


Bus safety is an ongoing concern for the Road Safety Directorate. Buses are safe compared with other modes of transport and very safe compared with other road vehicles. They are, however, involved in crashes and injuries. Such incidents have a high profile and elicit public concern.

Most countries, states and provinces respond with bus construction and operating safety regulations. There is therefore a wide range of experience available from other jurisdictions inside and outside Canada.

Ongoing vehicle standards issues within the scope of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, include structural integrity, brakes and the installation of seat-belts. These are the subject of continuing discussion. They need to be managed and there is no one easy overall solution. There are also operating issues within the scope of the National Safety Code for Motor Carriers. These include vehicle maintenance and driver hours of service, similarly the subject of ongoing development.

The Directorate needs to ensure that it has the information to respond authoritatively to questions involving ongoing bus safety issues and programs.



To identify ongoing bus safety issues and programs, to gather information available on them and to identify related further information requirements.



A draft report by June 30, 1998.



The report is to identify bus safety issues, government safety policies and regulatory programs and, for each item to:

  1. summarize Directorate policy and programs.
  2. refer to key related information.
  3. identify gaps in our knowledge and policies.
  4. suggest approaches towards more complete information and policies.

Most of the material will be developed from existing Directorate expertise. This will be tapped through a series of internal task-force meetings and discussions. There may be a need to talk with experts from outside Transport Canada.


Factors to be considered

Economic regulation of buses is giving way to safety fitness as the criterion for operating authority. Proposed Motor Vehicle Transport Act amendments would complete the process of economic deregulation and strengthen safety fitness regulation. While bus safety remains largely within provincial/territorial jurisdiction, Transport Canada holds significant authority and responsibility under the Motor Vehicle Transport Act and the Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

Buses are designed and operated in some distinct categories which have different safety considerations, for example:

- School
- Urban transit
- Intercity
- Transfer (eg. airport/hotel/club/residence)
- Charter (mostly associated with intercity)



ASFCD is assigned to coordinate discussions and to prepare a report. Other Directorate staff will be required to discuss and document their knowledge. This knowledge is contained in a variety of branches and divisions.



An initial general meeting of identified Directorate experts will be called to discuss the terms of reference, to develop an outline of the report and to agree on a detailed workplan. Further meetings may be held with the whole group or with smaller groups or individuals. The draft report will be circulated widely and a meeting held to discuss comments.


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